Chapter 32

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It is approaching midday the next day and Jessica rushes through the hospital ward then into Tom's room the best she can (her leg aches today) as she is running late. When she enters she sees Tom in normal clothes which entails a pair of jeans, a baggy white shirt (so no pressure is put on his remaining bruises) and a charcoal coloured hoodie with the zip undone. He is sat on the bed while Luke leans down to tie the laces on his black sneakers. "Sorry I'm late...I slept in." She chuckles nervously earning a smile from Tom, a glower from Luke and a blank expression from Leo who is dressed smartly for work. He is in court today for some case. Luke shuffles to his feet after tying the laces, a job which Jessie could not do anyway because of her prosthetic so she has no idea why Luke is being so resentful about it. "Ooh I got the hat you wanted." She passes him a black beanie which he then carefully puts on his head covering the stitching.

"Thank you J." He beams and clambers to his feet to embrace her. She rests her head gently on his chest and his kisses the top of her head while smelling the sweet aroma of her honeyed pear shampoo which she used the night before.

"We need to go." Luke states so the pair pull apart. Leo grabs Tom's belongings while Luke steers him towards the lift and then out of the building to face the paparazzi which has suddenly built because of Tom's tweet yesterday. "Bloody twitter." His publicist snarls under his breath as he pushes through the crowds towards the parked, silver BMW. Tom waves at the cameras and reporters as he passes with a smile on his face obviously to show his fans that he is fine but he does not answer their persistent questions. One of the reporters makes a comment that Tom is rocking his hat making the small group smile briefly as they enter the vehicle. Jessie and Tom are sat in the back of the car which their fingers entwined, content that they finally get to go home. Together. After Leo drops Tom's bag into the boot he sits into the passenger seat next to Luke who is driving.

The group sit in silence as the car fumbles along the road. They are making a slight detour to drop Leo off at work (which he is already late for) before they head to Tom's apartment. "Okay..." Tom breaks the silence, "Can we address the elephant in the room or car for a second." No one responds so he takes the opportunity to continue. "Luke. When are you going to grow up and stop holding this whole thing against Jessie?" He asks and Tom can feel Jessie tense beneath his touch so he runs his thumb down the side of her hand to soothe her.

"Luke doesn't have anything against my sister. Right Luke?" Jessica rolls her eyes at Leo's stupidity but decides not to bring it up. On this occasion.

"Tom." Luke begins, his tone low. "You could have died."

"But I didn't." Tom responds his manner becoming firm.

"That is not the point-"

"That is exactly the point." Tom asserts, "I did not die. I am sitting in this car right now discussing the fact that you have a problem with my girlfriend. And if this problem doesn't die down or disappear altogether then we are going to hit a problem." Luke does not respond but visibly tenses up at the actor's words. "I love Jessie. And as my publicist you need to respect my decision. I didn't have a problem with the fact that you are screwing her brother because that was unprofessional but I am not that kind of person to stop you liking who you like. I respect your choices Luke and I expect you to respect mine." A stunned silence hits the car for a few moments.

"Tom I..." Luke begins, "I am so sorry. I do respect your choices and I like Jessie, I really do. It was unprofessional of me to start dating her brother but I knew you would respect that. I am a publicist for a lot of people Tom but I feel like I am closest with you. I consider us good friends so when I found out what happened, I panicked not because you are a client or whatever but because you are my friend." He rambles and sighs when he reaches the end of his little speech.

"It is fine Luke." Tom begins to sound upbeat again, "I forgive you."


It is later that day and Jessie is pouring herself a glass of water in the kitchen when Tom walks in and starts to rummage through the drawers. He gets to the third drawer when Jessie finally asks, "What are you looking for?"

"A stamp." He states, "I need to send that congratulations card to Ben and Sophie."

"Aww yeah." The thought of Ben and Sophie with their little baby boy makes Jessie want to squeal with delight. Babies have always made her broody ever since she was fifteen. "Have they named him yet?"

"Nope." He responds and grins triumphantly when he finds the book of stamps. "They had some names prepared but now they are unsure. They also said that we can go visit once they get used to the whole baby thing, I think Ben underestimated the commit of having a child." Jessica hums at this as if to agree as she pulls a box of painkillers out of the overhead cupboard and pops the pills out of the foiled packet. "You are taking painkillers."

"Brilliant deduction Doctor Watson." Jessie sarcastically replies after downing the pills with the water.

"I've always considered you as Watson."

"And that's an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D quote." She giggles, "You are such a fanboy Thomas."

"I love it when you call me Thomas." He chuckles and embraces her into a hug making her melt into his arms like a marshmallow over a camp fire. "Are you okay?" She nods with her face into his chest making him wince so she mumbles an apology and keeps her head still. "You were taking painkillers? Oh is it womanly problems that I don't want to know about." She laughs at this.

"No. You are safe, for a bit anyway." She pulls away and drinks some more of her water, "My leg hurts because I've been moving around a lot later."

"Oh." He frowns with worry, "Aren't you due a new prosthetic? Like a more permanent one."

"Yeah." She agrees, "I had an appointment booked for yesterday but I cancelled. I will rearrange." Tom's mobile starts to ring interrupting the pair's conversation making Jessie feel slightly relieved that she won't get questioned but Tom annoyed. He pulls the phone out of his jean pocket and shows Jessie the screen while groaning: Mum. "Go talk to her. She is worried about you." He nods and puts his phone to his ear after answering.

"Hi Mum." He pulls out a chair to sit on from under the kitchen table. "Yes I am back home I haven't spoken to dad..." Tom rolls his eyes and rests his elbow on the wooden surface. "No mum you don't have to come and stay. Jessie is looking after me perfectly." This comment makes Jessie blush. "Look mum thanks for calling but Jessie has made dinner-" Jessica's eyes go wide when she remembers that she is the one that has to cook because of one handed Tom but there is nothing stocked in the fridge. "I'd better go before it you too...bye." He hangs up smiles at his girlfriend. "Don't worry. I've already ordered a takeaway, it should be here any minute."

Jessie leans down and plants a soft kiss on Tom's lip and she can feel him smiling. She feels so lucky right now to be where she is with the man she loves. She has no idea what came over her before when she tried to runaway but she is glad that she is here with him. Right now. "I love you Tom." She gushes when she pulls back.

"I love you too my dear J." He chuckles.

"No." She states, "I really mean it and I am sorry for what I did." Tom stumbles to his feet and holds Jessie in his arms.

"I know you are." He mumbles into her hair which has kind of lost its honeyed pear scent throughout the day. "And I forgive you."

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