Chapter 18

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A/n Media:

GIF - Tom on his guitar (End of 2014)

Jessica Morrissey is reclined on the sofa resting her leg while waiting for Tom to return from a read through for the next Thor film. Her brother, Leo, was meant to come visit her but he did not show which means that Jessie is very bored. Yesterday she was fitted with a primary prosthetic and she is finding it extremely difficult to do anything so she continues to scroll through her Instagram feed – yes she signed up for an Instagram account because let’s just say she gets bored easily – and likes photos every so often. Her phone chimes so she exits the application and clicks onto the messages icon to see that she has a message from her brother.

Leo (L): Hey Jess! I am so sorry for not turning up; I have had some trouble at work.

Jessica (J): It is fine.

L: No it is not. I would have messaged you to cancel but things turned out a little complicated and my boss is angry at me.

J: Why is he angry at you?

L: I have had an increased level of tardiness lately let’s just say…

J: Why?

L: …

J: Leopold Bailey! Why have you been late to work?

L: Shut up “mum”! I may have been a little distracted by something.

J: I think you mean someone. *cough* Luke *cough* ;)

L: What is that supposed to mean?

J: You know ;)

L: Okay then…I have got to go and see a client. Bye little sis xxx

She giggles at his response and sighs, she wishes that she is able just to get a taxi or tube to his office building and take his favourite sandwiches; chicken and bacon. They would eat these sandwiches in the slightly dodgy café on the bottom floor with a bag of crisps and a beverage before she would let him return to work and she would return home. But sadly it is not that simple. She lightly hits her prosthetic in annoyance but quickly regrets it as it rubs against the stump of her knee. Her phone chimes again and she mutters, “I am so popular today.” She checks her messages again and sees she has a text from Felix. Ever since their little reunion a week ago they have been messaging nonstop. Even Blue has begun to message her. The message reads: Please save me from this parenting class. Why do I need to know how to breathe during childbirth? I am not the one giving birth! She laughs out loud at the text before typing a quick reply. Tom must be bored. Or maybe he isn’t? Jessica wonders what a read through of script is like; she concludes that it must be exciting to read a script for the first time but dull having to sit in a conference-like room for hours listening to other people read. She decides on messaging Tom as well. A simple one word text:



It is as late as seven o’clock when Tom returns, fatigued. He walks into the apartment and shrugs off his coat while shouting, “Jessie!” No reply. He frowns at this and hangs up his coat on the peg near the front door before searching for his…girlfriend? “Jessica!” He shouts again but there is still no reply. She is not in the living room or the kitchen or the little pointless room in between. He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair nervously as he approaches her bedroom. When he gets closer he begins to hear some noise which kind of sound likes music. Every step the sound becomes clearer. Music? A song? Guitar? Singing? It is when Tom is a couple of steps away he deciphers the song and realises that it is Jessica who is singing and playing the guitar. He turns his hand to peer into the living room and notices that his guitar is not on its stand before taking the last couple of steps. The music suddenly stops but then starts again. A pluck of the strings. And another. And another. It is the intro to a song, a song which Jessie would have known from before she was kidnapped. It is 'Put Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae’:

Three little birds sat on my window.

And they told me I don't need to worry.

It is the first time that Tom has heard her sing and play the guitar – he didn’t even know she could – and it is astonishing.

Summer came like cinnamon

So sweet,

Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.

He turns and slides down the door silently. His back leaning up against the thick wood listening into the rest of the song.

Maybe sometimes we've got it wrong, but it's alright

The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same

Oh, don't you hesitate.

Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song

You go ahead, let your hair down

Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,

Just go ahead, let your hair down.

Tom mumbles the last line she sings with her: You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow. She stops singing and he hears her sigh on the other side of the door and discard the guitar somewhat carefully (he hopes). He wonders whether he should go in and praise but then remembers that Jessie is not the kind of girl who would want to be praised so pulls a scrap piece of paper out of his back pocket and a pen that he had clipped to the front of his shirt from the read through. It is a Marvel pen. He scrawls a message on the paper:

That sounded amazing :)

And posts it underneath the door and waits. He hears shuffling and a groan as Jessica also slides down the door, minding her prosthetic. There is a rustle of paper and then the small note is passed back but with a reply:

Thank you but it really wasn’t :/

The tedious yet romantic task of passing notes under the door continued for a long time…

I did not even know you played guitar? And you can sing! X

I have played guitar since I was seven, I am a bit rusty though and no I cannot!

You have an incredible voice! I smell X Factor x

I cannot believe they still have that stupid show, it was terrible back in 2007. I bet it still is. x

Aha yeah. I am sorry for leaving you alone today, and sorry that your brother stood you up xx

Don’t worry about it xx

To make it up to you, tomorrow we will go out somewhere. Maybe dinner? Xxx

Or you could take me to Marvel Studios? Xxx

Nice try! Maybe one day but tomorrow I propose to do something…romantic xxx

This is pretty romantic xxx

:) xxx

Soon after this, the pair both went their separate way. Jessica stored their little note conversation in a shoe box that sits underneath her bed before going to sleep.

A/n thoughts?

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