Chapter 13

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It is the next morning and Jessica Morrissey is for once not waking up at six o’clock but eight o’clock and it has her by surprise. She rises out of bed and pulls herself straight into her chair before wheeling out of her room and into the kitchen where Tom is sitting drinking tea as he reads. He sighs repeatedly completely oblivious of Jessie’s presence so she decides to speak up. “What you reading?” She asks while she wheels herself up to her place at the table. He smiles at her and shows her the cover: ‘The Fault in Our Stars’. Tom had bought it for Jessie when she was in hospital to try and help her pass the time. “Then what is with all the sighing?”

“I know what happens. Practically everyone who hasn’t read the book does. So I know how it ends, it is just so frustrating!” He grumbles and turns the page.

“Ah the waiting game.” She comments and pours herself a cup of tea which had been brewing in the tea pot in front of her.

“Maybe I am too old for this.” He huffs and shuts the book.

“Too old? If you think twenty one is old then what does that make me. An OAP?” She giggles at the man in front of her.

“Smooth.” He replies and pushes the book to one side but they both know that he will continue to read it later. He can never leave a book unfinished. “Anyway, how did you sleep?” He asks her in a slight serious tone, “After our little meeting in the lounge.”


“Fine is worse than shit.” He quickly responds and exhales. He brings the teacup to his lips and takes a large gulp, feeling the hot liquid dispense through his throat. After a couple of gulps he places the cup back down and continues his interrogation, “Nightmares?” Jessica opens her mouth to speak but she is cut off with “Don’t lie to me” so she nods shamefully. “What are they about my dear J?” She blushes at her new nickname.

“I don’t know.” She squeaks, “I find it difficult to remember-”


“But have you ever heard of the phrase, ‘walking against the tide’?” He shakes his head as he leans forward urging her to continue but in a comforting way rather than an intimidating one. “Well it is how I am feeling; every second of every day. Ever since I found myself leaning up against a wall at a train station and a very tall man leaning over me. Worried about me.” She croaks. “When I say tide, I do not mean the small waves lapping at my feet in a slow, steady rhythm. The spume and tiny sand particles hiding between my toes as the blue fluid strokes me.” Tom watches her close her eyes like she is imagining she is there on the beach. “The cold water circling my ankles and quite possibly my thighs if I get in deep enough. My brother telling me not to go any deeper in case I slip.” Tom thinks of the many times he visited the beach with his family and all those times his older sister, Sarah, would shout at him when he splashed her and his little sister, Emma, joining in. He beams at the memory. “They are not those waves.” She opens her eyes suddenly leaving the day dream. Tom frowns at her. “They are big, monstrous waves. Engulfing me. The grey liquid hitting me over and over and over never stopping. Causing me so much pain.” She sniffles, “Too much pain making me fall. Deeper and deeper but not trying to swim up. Everything and everyone gone.”

Tom resists the urge to cry right there and then for her. He was ignorant to the fact that she is able to speak such beautiful yet heart breaking words. It just shows to him that what she is feeling is so colossal that it forces her to voice these words. “You need to learn how to surf.” He continues the metaphor with his deep voice.

“I don’t know how.” Her voice quivers and tear falls out of her eye which he catches with his thumb not wanting her to suffer anymore.

“Every amateur needs a trainer who is there for them. Every wave at a time.” He replies and smiles weakly, “And I will help you Jessie. I know I have told you that many times but I do mean it. I really do.”

“Thank you Tom.” She smiles and rubs her eyes. “Now let’s stop with the wave representation. It is a bit deep for quarter past eight in the morning.” She jokes and he grins before knocking back the last of his tea and stumbling to his feet.

“Right! Come on then! Up! Dressed!” He exclaims after clapping his hands together like a seal, “I have plans for us today.”

“Ah Tom. Always planning.” She sips her tea but grimaces at the taste, it had been brewing for a long while. He strolls over to the other side of the table and grips her shoulders gently.

“No.” He states, “I am not always planning but always grasping the moment.” He speaks seriously but with sentiment, shaking her every so often.

“Well the moment would like to go to the bathroom.” She retorts and reverses before swinging around to wheel herself towards the bathroom. “So you don’t have a plan for today then seeing we only talked last night about going out today.”

“No I have schemed the criteria for today because Jessie: you cannot write a good essay without a good plan.” He announces as he gathers the mugs and teapot to wash up. Jessica exits to go to the bathroom but looks back at Tom, taking in his every movement and every expression. She is very animated to find out what he has planned for her today.

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