Chapter 14

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Jessica Morrissey wheels herself out of the apartment with Tom following close behind. She has no idea what he has planned so decided on wearing a long skirt, tee-shirt with a woolly cable knit jumper. It is winter after all. Tom is wearing a pair of jeans, a white shirt and a leather jacket, plus his sunglasses are near for when he needs to go incognito. They travel down to the bottom floor of the block of flats in the lift and then exit the building through the large, glass doors heading for Tom’s car – a Jaguar XF. “How did you land yourself with such a nice car then?” Jessie asks as she buckles herself in.

“Well, I did an advert for Jaguar and they gave me the car.” He explains and revs the engine before speeding off onto the busy, London roads.

“They gave you the car!” She exclaims in a flabbergasted tone, “But it is expensive.”

“They have a lot of money.” He smiles in her direction when they stop at the traffic lights to let some skiving school children pass.

“So what’s the plan then?” Jessie questions, now too excited not to ask.

“You said a couple of days ago that you have never really seen London so I have got a plan to fix that.” He explains vaguely, too vaguely for Jessica’s liking. He notices this and sighs giving up the plan. “Firstly we are going to drive past Buckingham Palace very slowly so you can take in its beauty and then we are going to park the car at the Queen Elizabeth II centre where we will then walk…well move to Downing Street because I have noticed that you are into politics. Then we will go into the Churchill War Rooms because I have never been and this is the perfect opportunity. We will then take a very short taxi ride to the Palace Westminster and indeed Big Ben so you can take numerous photographs – wait you have got your camera with you?” He asks and she nods. “At about two o’clock I have got a table booked at a restaurant in that area, lovely little spot for lunch.”

“What kind of food is it?”

“British food. Stews, steaks, and pies you name it or a salad if you prefer.” He rambles making her giggle, “Anyway and after lunch we will get on the tube – something I know you want to experience – at Westminster Station. We will take the Jubilee line to Waterloo Station where we will get a cab to the SEA LIFE London Aquarium. To look at fish and sharks and turtles etcetera. Finally we will get yet another cab back to the Queen Elizabeth II centre to pick up the car and drive home.” He takes a deep breath when he finishes explaining the criteria for today.

“Tom…that sounds expensive.” She mumbles and he sighs thinking that she is not pleased with his ideas, “But it does sound amazing.”

“Really?” He speaks up nervously and she nods very enthusiastically, “And don’t worry about the cost darling it is my treat…it is a date.” He blushes in embarrassment and Jessie reaches over and puts her hand on the gear stick on top of Tom’s. She runs her thumb along the side of his hand lovingly before removing it so he is able to drive comfortably.


Today has been amazing. The plans went well to plan and both people enjoyed themselves immensely. Tom was not approached at all by fans until they reached the aquarium but Jessie didn’t mind, it only made her appreciate him more. She has taken millions of photographs and she is now flicking though them on her camera as Tom is driving them both back to the apartment. “I am going to have to get some sort of social networking account to post these pictures onto like Facebook and Instagram…I am going to have to get friends.” She realises and begins to stare into space. Tom decides to stay silent and leave her to her thoughts but he has also thought about this. He knows that she will get on well with some of his friends but she needs her own, individual friends also. “I guess I could go to some sort of group with people that also have disabilities or something.”

“Yes that is a good idea.” Tom smiles, “And you can get into contact with your old friends from school.” He adds and Jessie shakes her head sadly. “Why not J?”

“I kind of shut myself off from the world when I was training, didn’t have friends.” She expounds, “I didn’t think I would need them, I had Leo. Guess I was wrong.” She mutters the last part but then continues to look through her photographs making her face light up again.

“Well you still have Leo and you now have Luke and me.” Tom soothes as he parks his car. He turns of the engine and exits the vehicle. He strides around to the back of the car and pops open the boot before lugging out the wheelchair which was safely tucked away. He unfolds it and pushes it around to Jessie’s side of the car after shutting the boot. Jessica has already opened the door and swung her legs around to make it easier to pull herself into the chair. She is tired. It is the first time that she has had a proper day out since she was fifteen years old. Tom can see this and instead of letting her get herself into the wheelchair, he holds out his arms and wraps them around her. Supporting her. And gently places her into the chair. “There.” He states with a grin and locks the car.

“Thank you.” Jessica gushes, “Not just for…that but for today. It was amazing! Something I will never forget.” Tom nods with a chuckle and decides on pushing her inside the building and into the lift himself.

“Luke’s here.” He utters with a groan.

“How do you know?” She furrows her brow.

“The porter.” Tom clarifies, “He always looks at me with pity when he is here because Luke only turns up unannounced if he is going to absolutely bollock me.”

“Oh.” The lift doors opens with a screech and Tom makes a mental note to report the disgusting sound to the maintenance team. He pushes the wheelchair out of the lift and down the corridor to his apartment. The door opens before he can even reach for his key to reveal a very angry looking publicist. Tom pushes Jessica into the flat and puts her in her spot.

“You missed the read through!” Luke exclaims full of rage, “The franchised which made you who you are and you missed the bloody read through!”

“Thor?” Tom questions with a confused look and Luke nods, “I didn’t know there was a read through. You hadn’t told me.”

“Didn’t Chris mention it?”

“Hemsworth did not say a thing, he said ‘see you soon’ in a text but I just thought that was him being the friendly Aussie he is.” Tom blathers on. “Anyway he isn’t my publicist! You are!” He shouts as Jessie tries to process the conversation. She is too fatigued. “If maybe you were not so busy with your boyfriend then-”

“Leo isn’t my boyfriend.” Luke whines.

“Thor three?” Jessica blurts out when she figures out what on earth is being discussed, “Ragnarok?”

“Oh! I am so glad your girlfriend is a fangirl.” Luke sniggers sarcastically.

“Get out.” Tom grits his teeth and Jessica looks up at him, seeing a completely different Tom.


“I mean it. Get out.” He repeats again but Luke makes no attempt to move, “Before I fire you.” This has Luke a little scared so he rushes out of the apartment leaving Tom with Jessica. Tom flings himself onto the sofa while covering his face with his hands and Jessie peers at him sadly before using her remaining energy to pull herself onto the sofa and shuffling up to him. She can see how hurt and indeed ashamed he is. “Sorry you had to see that.” He mumbles into his hands and removes them to expose the tears in his eyes. “I didn’t know. I didn’t know.” He repeats over and over to himself. Jessica leans on his arm causing him to move it to envelope her into a hug. “I love you J.”

“I know you do.” She rearranges herself to make them both more comfortable. “And I love you too.”

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