Chapter 40 - The End

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Summer 2020, Tokyo, Japan

Lining up at the starting line.
Exchanging awkward glances with competitors.
All sound is muffled.
So many people.
Crowds screaming.
3... 2... 1...

Four years of extreme, agonising training has led up to this. Has led up to this mere 100m track to prove herself and by hell she is going to prove herself. There is no time to mess around now after succeeding in each and every stage leading up to this moment; she must succeed now. On the signal she pushes off on her back foot and starts to sprint as fast as she can forward without looking back. Without looking back on all the failures in her life whether it was linked to training or not. No looking back now. Her muscles are burning with every long and fast paced stride, so many eyes are watching her now whether it be in the stadium or back in Great Britain on the television, she is not letting anyone down today.

The Runaway. That's what people call her in the media after hearing her inspirational story of the fifteen year old girl who was kidnapped for experimentation and was saved by the Oscar winning actor. But now isn't the time for reminiscing.

You see most people just think that there isn't much to running; it's as easy as on your marks, get set, go but they do not realise how many things you have to think about while on that track. You start before the signal and you get disqualified as simple as that, you start too late and your chance is gone. You have to keep your stride even other wise you will pull a muscle and your chances of winning are long gone. You have to concentrate on keeping your breathing regular and to stay in your lane. You have to fixate on that finishing line for you, your friends and family and your country.

Jessica Hiddleston knows this and after all the trainers and training sessions she knows what she has to do. There is an edit floating around the internet made by one of her husband's fans which says 'Run Like Tom Hiddleston Is Waiting For You At The Finish Line' and for her this is incredibly accurate. She just has to run as fast as she can.

80m to go.
50m to go.
30m to go.

Jessie looks around her to see everyone congratulating her, she has won. Her hands clasp themselves around her mouth in shock as the tears fall out of her eyes while the man on the speakers reveals, "Winner of the 100m sprint for the 2020 Paralympic's games is Jessica Hiddleston for Great Britain!" The crowd roars suddenly become apparent to her when her hearing clears. Her eyes find their way to the edge of the crowd and her handsome husband with their two beautiful adopted children. They look so proud. She jogs over to them almost forgetting that she just put all her energy into a race just moments before but she doesn't care. She wants to be with her family. When she reaches the barrier she is engulfed into a hug by Tom who mumbles "You did it! You did it! I am so proud of you. I love you." She pulls back and they both share a quick kiss before she kneels down to look at her twin five year old children; Kyle and Rosie who are beaming. She plants a kiss on both of their foreheads and is then passed a large Great British flag which she wears over her shoulders patriotically and proceeds with her lap of honour.


She feels the heaviness of the gold medal hang around her neck as the national anthem plays feeling proud of herself and fifteen year old Jessie for being determined to keep her passion up. She tries not to giggle at the sight of Tom balancing Kyle on one shoulder and Rosie on the other all of them grinning. It makes her realise that so much has happened in the last year some good and some bad...

She and Tom adopted two beautiful children in need of homes and juggled looking after them while Tom pursued an incredible acting career resulting in numerous awards including an Oscar and Jessie finally becoming a professional athlete. Luke and Leo got married only a year after Tom and Jessie. They are living a happy life together even after Leo's car accident resulting him in losing both of his legs and his left hand. Everyone stuck together though and now Leo is able to walk again and has some use of his prosthetic hand.

But just because Jessie has reached this goal of winning gold at the Olympics she now has others like breaking the world record etc...

Because she is the Runaway and her story doesn't end here.

A/n wow! So it has been a long journey for both you as the reader and me as a writer and I have enjoyed every second. I understand that this fanfiction is not as popular as my others but I didn't regret writing it for a second. So thank you for your votes and comments! And thank you Tom Hiddleston for being such an inspiration and for being the kind man that you are ~ Mae xXx

Runaway - Tom Hiddleston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now