Chapter 11

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A couple of hours later Tom returns to the apartment looking exhausted. He wanders in and immediately slumps onto the sofa totally ignoring Jessica Morrissey who was sitting and reading ‘Shift by Em Bailey’ but is now reading Tom. She has never seen him post interview before and she cannot tell if he is just tired or if said interview went badly. She rolls her eyes at his antisocial behaviour. “Hi Jessie how are you?” She mimics Tom sarcastically causing his attention to flow to her.

“Sorry Jessie.” He weakly smiles, “What have you been doing?” He asks flatly and she responds by lifting up the book. “Ah. Is it good?”

“Yes it is actually. It is about-”

“Wait you are on the sofa.” He interrupts her with a look of bewilderment.

“Brilliant deduction Mr Holmes now if you wouldn’t mind I am going get back to my mind palace now.” She rambles on in a mocking tone but with a grin on her face. Tom rolls his eyes and makes a mental note to hide the BBC Sherlock boxset from her. “The sofa is more comfortable than my wheelchair so I thought it would be nicer…plus my upper body strength is improving.” She smiles at him prior to when a question pops into her head, “Oh! That reminds me! When is my prosthesis appointment? When I was out with Leo and we were discussing it he mentioned that Luke had said that you were onto that?” Tom pushes his hips forward so he can pull his phone out of his back pocket. He unlocks it and scrolls through his calendar.

“Shit!” He exclaims, “It is tomorrow. I am so glad you reminded me.” He stutters nervously.

“Don’t worry about it.” Jessica replies. “So how was the interview?” He doesn’t respond, “I might watch it on the internet later on.”

“No!” Tom yells, “Please don’t Jessie I-” He is interrupted.

“Tom what happened?” She asks while shuffling up closer to him.

“I am sorry Jessie but they were asking questions about you and-”

“Me?” She questions when she interrupts him again as if she cannot believe that anyone would care about her. “Why me? I am not important.”

“Yes you are!” He cries but then quietens down and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, “I mean…basically they were asking if you were my girlfriend and why you were in hospital.” He rambles, “Some stuff just slipped out about your condition…” He trails.

“Tom!” She barks, “Leo is going to be so pissed at you!”

“I know and I am sorry but…wait did you say Leo is going to be pissed at me?” He asks and Jessica nods, “And you are not? Annoyed I mean.” She shrugs her shoulders and leans into him, eventually causing her to be lying on his chest.

“You have done so much for me Tom.” She calms him down, “Thank you.”


It is the next day and Tom is currently pushing Jessica in her wheelchair to her prosthesis appointment in the hospital. He is peering around nervously hoping that he will not get ambushed by the media or fans. He loves his fans but after yesterday’s interview he is a bit wary of all the questions being asked about Jessica. This morning he has already had to deal with Leo shouting at him about patient confidentiality which eventually ended up with Jessie sticking up for Tom and claiming that she allowed him to tell people. “Nervous?” Tom questions as he pushes the chair through the carpark.

“Nah.” Jessica claims.

“Jessie.” He states sternly realising that she is not being entirely truthful.

“Okay I am a little nervous but it is fine, I have done lots of internet research.” Tom hums in approval and they enter the hospital. They approach the reception desk where Tom inquires about where they can find the prosthesis department. A friendly nurse kindly walksss them to the right ward and points out Jessie’s consultant Doctor Murphy. A couple of minutes later and they are sat in a small office with the consultant.

“So Miss Morrissey, how are we feeling?” Doctor Murphy asks as he flicks through his notes.

“I am feeling okay at the moment.” She smiles.

“Such an unusual case.” He continues to read, “And I see you have stuck around Mr Hiddleston.”

Tom takes a deep breath before responding, “Yes of course. Jessie is my friend.” A ten minutes of meaningless chit chat about feelings and Tom wanting to kick the Doctor between the legs later and they are finally getting onto the topic of prosthetics, the reason they are there in the first place. “I’ve read that a patient gets a primary and then a final prosthetic is that right?” Tom asks.

“Yes you are quite correct.” He replies, “The below knee temporary prosthesis consists of a cushion insert, laminated socket, pylon, and a dynamic response foot.”

“Why is it only temporary?” Jessie asks, her voice quivering slightly so Tom reaches for her hand under the desk and gives it a squeeze reassuringly.

“Well it is important that you start walking again as soon as possible but there will still be some swelling around the joint so this one suits the purpose.” He explains while showing a picture of this type of prosthetic. “You would use this for a month or two and then you can have permanent prosthetic but there are range of them to choose from-”

“I want a blade prosthetic.” Jessica interrupts determinedly. “I want to be able to run.”

“Oh yes.” The doctor grimaces, “I forgot that you are a bidding athlete.”

“No.” She begins, “I don’t want to run competitively anymore, I just want to be able to run.”

“Then you shall run.” The doctor exclaims dramatically before his pager starts to bleep. “I’d better go, there is an emergency patient. Please let yourselves out.” He explains and rushes off out of the office leaving Tom and Jessie.

“I didn’t know you still wanted to run.” Tom comments after a few seconds of silence, “I am going to help you. Every step of the way I will be there. Together we shall get you running again.”

“Why would you do that for me?”

“Because I love you.”

A/n hey there! I just want to apologise for this chapter being so poor. I just couldn't get the words on the page :/ 

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