Chapter 26

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It is a month later and for the last few weeks Jessica has been training hard on a new blade prosthetic she was given in training. Her trainer, Dave, has been helping her to start to build up muscle so she is able to jog and one day run. Dave is a well-built guy in his mid-thirties with slightly tanned skin and mousy, brown hair cut short. He is kind yet determined a bit like Tom in a way. He is currently very impressed with her progress and has been going over what is next in the schedule. "Maybe we can set forth for the 2016 Paralympic Games." He finishes explaining.

"I don't know about that..." Jessie blushes.

"Listen Jessica, you have kept in good shape so I think it is possible but you will have to work very hard and stay strong-minded." He rambles and the young woman nods with a huge smile on her face. "Any questions?" Dave asks and Jessie nods.

"Yes actually..." She trails and pauses for a moment of thought. "What are the conditions and that on pregnancy?" She asks before hastily adding, "Just wondering."

"If you did become pregnant – which I wouldn't advise – then training would have to slow right down and you would have to tell me."


Positive. Jessie stares down at the white stick in her hand and sighs. She's not ready for this and neither is Tom. He has his whole career ahead of him and she is dead set on becoming an athlete again. This would force her to slow down and set her back years; it would maybe stop her dreams altogether. She sticks the test in her cardigan pocket and perches on the sofa waiting for her boyfriend to return. She taps her knee impatiently when the front door opens revealing a fatigued looking Tom. He slams the door and immediately falls onto the sofa still with his shoes on complete and utterly exhausted. "Tom..." Jessie squeaks making Tom sit up straight and focus on his girlfriend.

He sees that she is still wearing her blade prosthetic and tuts. "I barely see you anymore J..." He sighs, "You are always busy with training." He moans causing Jessie to become angry but before she can pipe up and say anything his rant continues. "I wake up and you are already getting ready to leave and when I come home you are shattered. I mean today you couldn't even be bothered to change back to your normal prosthetic like we agreed." Yeah because I was taking a pregnancy test idiot, she thinks with a glare in her eyes. "Maybe you should tone it down."

"Tone it down?!" Jessie yells completely astonished with her partner's behaviour. "I was an athlete before you came along Tom! It was my life dream! Just because I start training an hour before you start work does not mean I am ignoring you, I finish an hour before you too so you are just being hypocritical." Tom chuckles sarcastically with a sardonic grin.

"I see now why you lost Felix and Blue all those years ago." He comments. This does it, the tears begin start to leak from her eyes as her hands begin to quake. Before she can even think of a retort there is a knock on the door so she trapes over to the door and pulls it open. It is James McAvoy. His smile switches to a look of concern very quickly when he sees the tears cascading down Jessie's cheeks. He engulfs her into a hug without another word.

"Take me away from here." Jessie mumbles just loud enough so Tom can here who looks at his feet ashamed.

"Okay." James replies and leads Jessica out of the apartment prior to slamming the door shut. He puts his arm around the younger woman in a comforting way as they travel to the bottom floor in the lift.


Tom's feet are planted to the floor and his breathing becomes erratic. He runs his fingers through his hair multiple times as he wonders why the hell he said those things. At first he blames his job for over working him but then he realises. This is all his fault. All of it. He yells out before punching a nearby wall forcefully.


James clambers into the driver's seat of his car after helping Jessie into the passenger's seat. He is confused; Tom is practically the nicest guy he knows, how could he make his friend this upset? He starts the engine and drives off towards his flat not saying a word knowing that his friend would not want to talk yet. He wonders if his wife or son would mind having a guest staying; they have a spare room and they have met Jessie a couple of times so he decides that it should be fine. "Thank you James." Jessie squeaks.

"It is no problem Jess, you know that." He rambles, "What happened?"

"Tom came back from work in a shit mood and took it out mood and started to say that maybe I should slow down on my training because we barely see each other anymore which is a lie. We spend every evening together but no his career is more important than mine! But then..." She fades out and rubs her hands together nervously.

"What did he say that really upset you? Because I know you Jess, you can get angry but you rarely get emotional." He slows down at the traffic lights when they turn red.

"He said... 'I see now why you lost Felix and Blue all those years ago' and that just got me you know."

"Bastard." James remarks and revs the car up again as he speeds through the traffic lights. Jessica does not even try to defend Tom, he has really hurt her. Her phone chimes and James turns to her briefly as she attempts to remove her phone out of her cardigan pocket. This moves the pregnancy test into view slightly and James gasps but luckily Jessie does not seem to notice.

Tom: I am sorry J :( I was a dick, please come home. Or I can pick you up from James'? Xxx

Jessie: Not now Tom.

"What did he say?" James asks.

"He said 'I am sorry J' sad face 'I was a dick, please come home or I can pick you up from James'?' Kiss, kiss, kiss." She sighs.

"Does he know?" James questions as he slows down for another set of traffic lights. Bloody London.

"About what?"

"About this." James states and reaches over to pull the pregnancy test out of Jessie's pocket. He lifts it up and sees that it is indeed positive and sighs. Jessica shakes her head in shame. "When did this happen then?" The thing about James, even though he and Jessie haven't known each other for a long time they talk like they have known each other forever. He is the person which she gossips to on a regular basis via text so it is quite surprising that she hasn't mentioned having sex with Tom.

"In Switzerland." She begins, "It was the last night, we were both smashed and it just sort of happened I don't know. We haven't since."

"Oh...disappointing then." James says and Jessie hits him lightly on the arm.

"No it wasn't! It was just...not how I wanted my first time to be."

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't want to be drunk out of mind so I could hardly remember it."

Tom: I am here when you need me x

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