chapter 3

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??? pov

Hmm I just stand there staring at her, I'm not in the elevator yet. She's really pretty maybe she's a new trainee. She's cute but the way she's staring at me is so intense. Still she'd be no match for me I bet I could dominate her... or least make her blush hehe. Suddenly the the elevator doors start closing.

"Hmpf" She made a cute little noise to stop the doors from closing. I smile at her and walk in the elevator.

"Hehe thank you." I did a small bow. She doesn't stop staring at me. Do I have something on my face? Doesn't she know who I am? We're back to a staring contest. Her eyes, she's like a robot scanning my whole face. I take a step forward but she doesn't shy away. Does The Sana Minatozaki not affect her.

??? < Sana's pov

I move even closer to her but she doesn't move an inch away. That's it I've had enough. I'll make it my mission to get a reaction out of her before these elevator doors open. I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her into a kiss, I nibble on her bottom lip and ah ha. She pulls away, fufu she's gone red, she's like a whole different person. What can I say? I'm rather daring plus that was fun and just in time for the doors to open. I walk out feeling proud that my mission was a success.

Y/n's pov

She really looks like Kiki. She's wearing a very casual attire but if I stare at her face I can tell she's applied a very minimal amount of makeup. Her lips are a matte pink. I don't notice her coming closer until she wraps her arms around my neck, making our lips touch, she bites my lip making me more shocked. I pull away and I'm certain my face has changed to a certain shade of red. She walks out leaving me alone. Other than looking like Kiki I swear I've seen her somewhere else. I bet I would have fun doing her makeup. I wait until the elevator dings, indicating I'm on the ground floor, I can still smell her scent of perfume.

I make my way back to unnie's car and get in. "Y/n-ya how was it do you have a job there?" Unnie asks me with sparkling eyes.

"Of course I have one, when did I not?" I reply causing her to stretch over the gear shift and hug me suddenly.

She starts sniffing my neck."Ya unnie what's wro-" She interrupts me.

"Hmm you smell different, I don't ever remember you smelling like this and you were gone for quite a while." She squints her eyes at me.

"Well you said I should take my time." I argued, avoiding her stare and looking out the window.

"Yes but what did you do during that tim-"

"Nothing I just talked to park jin-young!" I quickly say, hoping her attention will get drawn to that name.

"Oh yeah Him? Ya know he rejected my audition a few years back." She said with a sour face. My plan worked.

"I don't really have any bad feelings towards him because it was his loss anyway." She carries on.

I remember I'm supposed to meet with Redvelvet later. "Unnie red velvet invited me to eat out with them because it was my last day at SM. I'm going later in the evening so we can spend the rest of our time at my home." I told my unnie.

"Ahh really, since it's a celebration I'll allow you to drink but you're still young so don't drink too much. Okay?" My sister warns me.

"Yes I know. Let's go to my home now unnie." Soon we're on the road.


Sana's pov

I walk back into our practice room looking all smug.

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