chapter 34

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Y/n was the first to wake up. At first she was honestly a little confused about why she was in her youngest older girlfriend's hotel bed but then a pounding headache attacked her. She remembered that they went to a club last night.

Y/n was still in her undergarments and found her clothes so she could put them on. She slipped out of the room quickly and quietly to go to her own room.

She felt around her denim shorts, looking for her key card. Y/n thought she lost it but then she checked her back pockets and found it.

'Phew~ I thought I lost it. But wait, did my girlfriends even try to look for it or did they just want me to spend the rest of the night with them?' Y/n thought and used the key card to unlock her room.

Today is their leaving day. Twice already finished closing remarks on a different day so there's no filming whatsoever. Obviously the order they recorded everything will be edited into a different order so it really didn't matter what they filmed on each day too much.

Y/n packed up her stuff before heading down for breakfast at the hotel. The plan would be that once everyone has eaten they would all make their way to the airport.

She heads down stairs and it seems like she is one of the first staff there. Y/n makes her way to the breakfast buffet and then sits by herself on a table by a corner after getting some food.

Not long after she starts eating the Twice members appear. They spot y/n and sit on her table after getting themselves food also.

"How'd you sleep y/n-ya?" Jihyo asked.

"Good. I woke up in Chewy's arms, so yeah." Y/n chuckled to herself a little bit then clutched onto her head.

"Are you feeling alright? You haven't got a temperature." Mina asks and uses the back of her hand to check y/n's forehead.

"Hehe, I think I'm just hungover. Plus the sun is too bright for me." Y/n said. There are some big ass windows in the eating area and rays of light shine are just shinning through. It's actually not that bright but for y/n, her eyes are a little sensitive due to her hangover.

"Well in that case here. Take it." Jeongyeon was sitting next to y/n and gave her a little aspirin packet to put in a drink so it'll help with her headache.

"Thanks unnie." Y/n kissed her cheek and drank her drink containing the aspirin while Jeongyeon rubbed her back soothingly.

"You know y/n, your drunk dancing was quite sexy." Sana said causing y/n to choke on her drink. The members laugh at y/n's action and pat her back to help with her choking.

"Heheh really? I don't quite remember last night too much." Y/n took another sip of her drink.

"But all jokes aside y/n, you're really really really good at dancing. How'd you become so fluent in my language?" Momo made a play on words and asked.

"Well... to be honest when I was younger and my sister started training to become an idol, I would dance with her and it'd be so much fun. But then she debuted and got busy. Nonetheless I carried on dancing for fun? I mean like I never really danced for a proper reason, I just did it now and again for a hobby or for exercise. Before I became a makeup artist and Irene unnie debuted, she would also spend time with me and we would dance now and again together." Y/n explained.

"Really!? So you never really danced professionally? You just did because you thought it was fun? Well to us your skills look like you've been dancing professionally for years." Chaeyoung said, amazed at what y/n said.

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