chapter 6

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Y/n's pov

I slowly wake up from my nap raising up my head from something a bit firm but comfy. I fully open my eyes and the first thing a see is...

"Jihyo unnie?" I squint a little after she smiles at me. Am I dreaming?

"Haha, hi y/n-ya." She chuckled.

Oh yeah. I'm at this music bank thingy and I'm still wearing this fancy dress. I pull my dress down a little since it was riding up my thighs. Wait a minute is she staring at them. We're sitting on one of the many sofas around the corner, the other members are here aswell.

I look at all of them and say. "I just want to apologise again for being a bit late, it won't happen again." I bowed.

"It's okay y/n-ya. But if it happens we might punish you." Nayeon-ni said. I heard the first part but she mumbled her last sentence.

"Hey y/n-ya since you were late you could make it up to us by eating out with us." Dahyun-a suggested. I mean it was late. What could go wrong. Wait but I'm still dressed really formally.

"I mean sure but I don't really want to go out looking like this." I reference my black dress.

"Hmmm. Then how about you go to our dorm, we could just order some food and we can start to get to know you more." I guess they really want me to spend time with them.

"Alright I'm fine with that but if I'm going to your dorm how bout I just sleep over aswell. I can just sleep on your couch." I tell them. I mean it's not that big of a deal, what are the gonna do to me?

"That's a great idea and you don't have to sort out your sleeping arrangements just yet." Momo said. Is she smirking?

"Let's just go straight to our dorm. You can follow our van since you do have a car and if you're worried about clothes, don't be you can borrow some of ours." Mina kindly said.

"Haha I guess we have a plan, then what are we waiting for? I'll head over to my car now." I grab my expensive ass bag and walk all the way to my expensive ass car in my expensive ass heels.

I followed their van and park my car on their driveway. We all enter their dorm.

"Please make yourself at home." Jeongyeon-ni said.

I take my shoes off and sit down on the sofa, I scroll through my phone and text my unnie.

💙My unnie💙

Hiya unnie if your going to visit my home then don't bc I'm staying at someone else's.

My unnie

Sorry caps lock was on🤭

I'm just staying at twice's dorm so don't worry. Love u unnie💙

My unnie
Okay then thx 4 letting me know, be safe ily too 💕

I smile at my phone.

"Who are you texting?" Tzuyu-ni came out from nowhere.

I quickly hide my phone screen. "Haha no one." I awkwardly said.

"Okie then, ummm if you want you can go freshen up, the bathroom is free, I put a towel in there and I think Mina unnie put some clothes in there aswell." Tzuyu said.

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