chapter 9

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Y/n's pov

I look around the open area in their dorm no one seems to be here. I look in the corner of the room and I spot a piano.

I remember when my family was busy I would get into different hobbies and that's how I became good at dancing, singing and even playing the piano.

I approach the piano, it's an upright piano, not an electrical one. I press the middle c key, it sounds pleasant and isn't out of tune. I sit on the piano stool and adjust the height so it's comfortable.

I think about the times in the past and play a classical piece, nothing modern.

(Lol you play like the first 30 seconds of this)

Dahyun's pov

I remember last night that y/n was here. Is she still here?

All the members have gone out to the company but I think Jeongyeon-ni just went out to the shop to buy some groceries.

Suddenly I hear a melody of some sort. It sounds a bit intense at first but then it sounds all soft. I might even say it's bittersweet because of all the emotion it's being played with.

I go out my room and see who's playing. It's y/n-ya. I can see a bit of her side profile while she plays, she looks a little sad but at the same time... content?

I sneak up on her from behind and I wrap my hands around her, not around her waist but her neck. She gets shocked and misses a few notes. "Carry on, I like it." I whisper in her ear and rest my chin on her head.

She plays for a little while and then stops. "Haha bravo, bravo!" I clap dramatically and kiss her cheek. I then sit next to her on the stool. "I didn't know you could play." I rest my head on her shoulder.

"Well now you know." She said with the same face she had when playing. It's like she's reminiscing something. "What are you thinking about y/n-ya." I turn to her and cup her face with both my hands.

She doesn't reply but instead just looks at me.

Y/n's pov

Dahyun unnie's face is really pretty in the morning. Her skin is really pale, it's almost paper white. I love doing makeup on Dahyun-ni because of her pale skin. I like doing makeup on people who have light skin, the whiter the skin the more freedom you have to colour it because of its likeness to an actual plain white canvas. But that's not to say that people with darker skin is harder to work with, every skin tone is beautiful. I've actually worked with numerous people, people from different countries, with different skin tones not just Asians.

Without thinking I grab her chin and pull her closer to look at her skin. I caress her cheek.

"Y/n, y/n-ya, y/n!" She's calling me. I snap back to reality, I hum and stare at her eyes.

Dahyun's pov

I called her for a third time and she finally looks me in the eyes.

"I really like your skin, unnie." She said to me, her hand still on my chin.

I blush and I'm sure she notices. "Haha, your cheeks have turned pink, it's not hard to spot Dahyun-ni." She teased me. Pfft I'll show her I'll make her face turn into a different tone.

I pull her up so she's standing, we're near the corner so I start moving closer to her so she backs up into the wall. I do that wall thingy when you slam you hand on it and block them from moving. She's actually quite an average height but I still need to go on my tip toes.

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