chapter 11

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Y/n's pov

The members didn't leave that long ago and the rain and wind are starting to pick up. Like I've mentioned before throughout my childhood, my family weren't always with me.

I would sometimes remember when there would be storms and thunder and lightning would appear. Those loud noises scared me the most, I would curl up into a ball and hide in the corner of my room. There was no one with me at those times besides Irene unnie. She would comfort me when I cried or when I was feeling scared.

Suddenly all the lights in my apartment turn off. Everything went pitch black, I couldn't see. A power outage took over our building, so that means no electricity, no light. Oh no it's happening again and this time there really is no one to comfort me.

Multiple loud booming claps suddenly play. Bright flashing lights spark. I hate thunder and lightning.

I'm scared now and I don't know what to do. I manage to find my way to my room, I do what I've always done ever since I was younger. Tears are running down my cheeks now, while I'm in the corner of my room with my knees tucked into my stomach.


Jihyo's pov

We're in the van now and I just can't seem to find my phone. Urgh I think I left it back at y/n's place. The weather isn't bad yet, I should have enough time to reach y/n's apartment if I get out now.

I tell our driver to drop me off at the side of the road. I quickly explained that I left my phone back at y/n's and that they can go on ahead, I'll find another way to get back to the dorm.

I get to the entrance of the building just before the rain and wind start to pick up. Just as I'm about to press the elevator button everything goes dark. I guess there's a power outage, which means I have to take the stairs.

Shit, she lives on like the top floor.

Roaring sounds of thunder and blinding lights of lightning occur as I make my way to her doorstep. Y/n told us the pass code to her apartment so we don't have to knock and wait at her door if we come to visit.

I enter and it's really dark, I don't see any sign of y/n either. I forget looking for my phone and start looking for y/n.

"Y/n-ya!" I call her name but there's no response. I try to find my way around and I think I'm close to her room. I'm close to a door and I hear... sobbing? Y/n? Is she crying?

I barge into the room and spot a figure curled up in the corner. I run over to her.

It's like everything turns into slow motion. Another lightning bolt strikes and she practically leaps at me. She cries and whispers. "Irene unnie." Okay this isn't the first and I'm sure she said the name Irene. But now is not the time to think about that.

She's like a little kid. I hug her tight and she squeezes me harder as if I'm gonna disappear.

She looks up at me, I can tell her eyes are a little red from all her crying. She's a bit surprised it's me. "J-jihyo u-unnie." She stutters and cries again, burying her head back into the crook of my neck. I can feel her tears soak through my top.

I princess carry her onto the bed and cuddle her. "I'm here y/n-ya, Jihyo unnie is here, I've got you." I spoon her and gently caress her stomach. We're under the covers and I think she passes out due to being exhausted from all her crying.

~Time skip~

It's moring and I wake up to see y/n still sleeping soundly. Her eyes look puffy from last night. Why was she crying so hard? And why does she keep saying Irene unnie?

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