chapter 36

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Y/n's pov

My back is still against the door and I'm holding tightly onto my head. I slightly lift my head up to see what they're doing. At least this time they most probably won't storm out since this is where they live. I feel like crying.

Jihyo approaches me and bends down to my level. Please don't slap me again. A single tear escapes my closed eyes, I just feel so scared again. She raises her one hand so I shut my eyes tight, waiting for a burning sensation to slap across me cheek.

But it doesn't come. Instead her hand ever so softly cups my face, her expression is quite neutral. She touches my jaw and pulls me closer, her big eyes widened when she traces a thumb where my hurt lip is.

I suck in a sharp breath through my teeth because it hurt where she touched. "What happened?" She asked me calmly and wiped away my tear.

All the others come closer and surround me. I swear I got PTSD from the past, I suddenly feel frightened at the moment. Jeongyeon picked me up from the floor all of a sudden and carefully placed me on the sofa so we could all get comfortable.

Momo sat next to me and made my body lean into hers to try and relax myself. "Don't worry y/n, please don't be scared." She rubbed my sholder.

"We've learnt from the past, we'll let you explain so we can understand everything." Mina said in a gentle tone.

I sniff a little before I start talking. "I'll start from the beginning. When I woke up it was still really early but I suddenly got a call from Jyp. He called me to the company and he asked... if I wanted to become an idol."

I hear a few of them gasp. "Really? What did you say?" Chaeyoung said in a calm voice. In fact they were all still very calm and quiet, I think they just wanted to make sure I wouldn't get frightened by them if they raised their voice even if it was out of excitement and not anger.

"Well, I said I'll think about it. He said he would give me as much time as I would need. But I want to make a decision quickly, I don't want to make him wait." I said and they all nod.

"So... now the reason I look like this. When the meeting ended it just so happened that the receptionist Chaeyoung saw me talking to before was about to leave also. I decided to take the bus home as well as her since she actually lives around this neighbourhood." I continued.

"So it was the receptionist we saw you with. But just because you both were going the same way doesn't mean you have to go together." Nayeon pouted. I hope they all won't be jealous.

"I want to reassure you guys and say that she's only a friend. I'm with you guys and I couldn't be any happier. Anyway we eventually made it right outside the dorm and I'm guessing you saw the majority of what happened?" I asked them. They probably looked through the windows and witnessed the scene.

"Well sort of, we heard a bit of ruckus happening outside. We went to look and saw a girl by herself, getting up from the ground. Not long after we see you running towards her and give her something." Jeongyeon explained.

"Yeah, and after, we saw her being all intimate with you. She was being all touchy and she even hugged you. I don't like that another person petted you." Tzuyu complained to me and Nayeon gave her look.

"Tzuyu-ya, she wasn't petted like a dog, we all saw it." Nayeon clapped back at the maknae. I saw Tzuyu roll her eyes.

"Basically before entering round the corner, this guy came out of nowhere and stole Norae unnie's purse." I told them.

"Norae unnie? OH OKAY I see how it is. I didn't know you two were that close for you to call her unnie." Dahyun frowned and crossed her arms. "I didn't know you even knew her name." She then mumbled quietly.

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