chapter 27

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Y/n's pov

I feel someone nudge me, waking me up from my slumber. I open my eyes to see my unnie. She's really pretty with that makeup. I smile at her. I turn my head and realise that we're not the only ones in the room.

Oh yeah I forgot. When I first woke up they were all there but I guess I just wasn't quite sane and I didn't really care because I was tired. I was already a bit drowsy before I took those meds.

"Hi." That's literally all I could say to them. I pull my unnie closer and whisper in her ear. "Why are there so many people?" I whispered to her with untter confusion. But she just giggled at me. What's so funny? I pout at her.

"Hehe I don't know y/n-ya. I thought I was famous but you're on a whole different level with your fanbase." She whispered back and laughed more.

I give her an even more annoyed look. "They're not my fans unnie." I mumbled to her.

"Oh yeah. Correct me if I'm wrong y/n but haven't you slept with all these girls before?" She continued to whisper. I can't believe she asked that. But now that I think about, I have.

I think my face has gone red. I playfully punch my sister. "Shut up." I don't answer and just pout.

Ji-eun unnie then turned to face them all. "Can I have a raise of hands of who has slept with my dear sister." She boldly asked with a cheeky grin. What the actual fuck is happening?

There are some different and similar reactions from all the girls. Some of them hesitantly raise their hand and blush a little, while others proudly raise their. Have they no shame?

The girls look at their surroundings and are shocked to find out that everyone has slept with me. I can't even believe this is happening. I cover my face with my hands, not wanting to look at any of them.

I hear them all speaking with eachother. "Wow y/n, you really are experienced." Someone said teasingly. I didn't want to look at their faces yet.

"Well she did have practice and a good teacher." That was Irene unnie for sure. This is literally so embarrassing, especially with my sister here. I can hear them giggling and having fun. Like what even? Are they all friends with eachother?

I'm currently dating Twice and they're just happily having conversation about me previously sleeping with other girls. Urgh, I really should say something.

I look up at them all. "C-can we p-please stop ta-talking about this n-now?" I can't believe I stuttered, that's how embarrassed I am.

They ignored my begging and just asked a bunch of questions.

"Do you still like us?"

"Who is the most cute?"

"Who's your favourite?"

"Which one of us is the best unnie?"

"Who's the hottest out of us all?"

"Who is the best in bed?"

"Who do you find the prettiest?"

"Which one of us is the best girlfriend?"

"If you had to marry one of us or more who would it/they be?"

Like rapid fire they bombard me with questions. All groups and their members ask questions I don't want to answer... and hold up, did I just hear one of them talk about marriage.

I just know I'm showing a distressed face. I then feel a hand grab mine, smoothing me. "Okay. That's enough guys. MY baby needs her rest, so if you wanna talk with her, talk calmly. Plus we all know the answer to those questions is Twice. Hehe sorry Red velvet and Blackpink." My ji-eun unnie said calmly to them all. I'm so thankful to have her as my unnie.

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