chapter 37

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Y/n's pov

We all finished eating breakfast and this time the members who didn't go to the shop with me were chosen to clean up.

Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, Dahyun and Chaeyoung started to clean up. Since I was the one who did the shopping, I didn't really do anything and decided to just keep them company.

Dahyun and Chaeyoung tidied the table and wiped it down as well as the counter tops. I sat at the kitchen island, when they finished they came on each of my sides and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thanks for the breakfast y/n-ya." Dahyun said.

"It was amazing." Chaeyoung added.

"Hehe okay but you should thank the others aswell, I didn't do everything by myself." I reminded them and they nodded cheerfully before heading off into the living room.

Jihyo was busy putting any leftovers in containers and storing any foods back in the fridge while 2yeon were washing and drying the dishes.

I got bored watching them all so I got off the seat and approached Nayeon from behind, she was washing the dishes while Jeongyeon was drying them. "Boo!" I wrapped my arms around her waist and she squealed.

Jeongyeon and I laughed, my arms are still hugging her. "Yah y/n-ya, don't scare me like that." Nayeon groaned.

"I'm not even finished with the dishes so I can't attack you back." Nayeon complained. Pfft as if she can attack me.

"I'll finish washing them unnie." Jihyo said from behind. Her tone sounded neutral, she didn't sound happy or sad. As Jihyo started coming closer Nayeon began taking off the washing gloves.

Jeongyeon stopped drying the dishes and cupped my face. "Run while you can, I'll hold off the old crazy lady and lead her somewhere far." She said dramatically in a joking matter.

"HEY! You are literally the closest person to my age." Nayeon said and I let go of her waist to create some distance. Jeongyeon laughed more and switched places with me. She started dragging her away.

"Come here y/n or I'll kiss you all over otherwise." Nayeon threatened while being dragged by Jeongyeon out of the kitchen.

It was only me and Jihyo left and I could sense she was a bit off. I need to make her feel better. I suddenly back hugged her. "Unnie~." I tighten my grip on her midriff. She kept silent.

"Hehe I know why you're not talking. It's okay Jihyo, you didn't mean what you said, there's no need to make a big deal about it-" I couldn't finish what I was saying.

"NO BIG DEAL!?" She turned to face me, my arms where still round her. "I know for a fact what you went through was horrible, I probably made you remember what happened and I don't want you feeling what you felt like back then. I'm sorr-" It was my turn to interrupt her.

I kissed her which stopped her from speaking. When I pull away I look into her big eyes. "I'm serious when I say it's no big deal now, it was in the past. You were only a joking." I tuck a few strands of hair behind her ear and kiss her cheek.

I grin at her before getting a towel to help dry the dishes. A comfortable silence rests over us and we complete all the cleaning.

A walk into the living room, the majority of the members are here but I think some of them are just in their rooms. I trot over to Dahyun who is on the sofa, I lay down and rest my head on her lap.

"Hello y/n-ya." Dahyun pinches my cheek.

"Hehe unnie, let me rest. I'm feeling tired... I woke up early." I mumbled with my eyes closed.

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