chapter 26

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Y/n's pov

I wake up and open my eyes slowly. I'm currently being embraced by not one but two people, I can just tell it's not Tzuyu-ni who is hugging me now. Both figures are much smaller than Tzuyu, no wonder we can all fit on this bed.

I tilt my head up a little to see who they are. When my sight focuses, one person speaks. "Morning y/n-ya." Chaeyoung said.

"Did you sleep well?" Dahyun asked. I don't answer them and just stare at them both. I really did miss their faces. I smile at them.

"Yeah..." I answered but I took a quick scan of the room to see no one else is here besides us three. "...where is everyone else?" I asked.

"They all went out to get some more food. Some of us woke up early and Momo unnie suggested to go buy some food." Chaeyoung giggled.

"It's fine though, they'll come back soon" Dahyun said.

After a few minutes of just talking the other members came back. We ate breakfast and just talked more.

"So just to be clear we're all back together right?" I asked. We've talked and explained the past but now in the present I don't know if we're in a relationship anymore.

"Of course we are." Jeongyeon said nonchalantly. Well that settles it I guess, I'm glad.

I'm also feeling better aswell, I hope I can leave this place soon. I wonder how is Kiki doing?

~Time skip~

It's now getting a bit late, it's only around 6 o'clock in the evening. I continued to  stare at my girlfriends' faces and their makeup. Looks wise, they haven't really changed besides some of them dyeing their hair for their recent comback.

They told me that they're gonna leave soon so I'll be alone tonight. But I'm not sad or anything, I want them to go back to their home so they can relax a little. I understand that it can be quite exhausting looking after someone in the hospital so I'm content with them all leaving.

Honestly as of right now I'm not actually feeling too well. It was literally only a few hours ago that I thought I was feeling better but suddenly right now I've just got a thumping headache.

My head is pounding and I'm sure I'm showing a bit of a distressed face right now but I don't want the members to know I'm feeling bad.

"Are you alright y/n-ya?" Mina asked me. Shit, they've caught on.

"Yeah. You're looking a bit pale." Sana added.

Tzuyu approaches me and goes closer to me. She puts the back of her hand on my cheeks to feel my temperature but then eventually she just puts her forehead against my own and strokes the back of my head.

With our heads touching she speaks. "You're feeling a little warm y/n."

"If you're not feeling well y/n-ya we can get your doctor. We don't want you getting ill while you're still injured." Nayeon said.

Suddenly the pounding in my head gets stronger and I almost can't bear it. I clutch onto my head and groan causing the members to worry.

I swear I could faint right now because of this pain. I'm feeling a bit warm and my breathing becomes heavier like I'm struggling to breathe. I feel weak and my eye lids start feeling heavy.

"Y/n. Y/n, can you listen? Where does it hurt the most?" Jihyo asked kindly and gently shakes me, trying to get me stay conscious.

"I-it hurts u-unnie... my h-head." I barely manage to say.

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