chapter 23

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Ji-eun's pov

I'm in the middle of a photoshoot right now and it's so boring. I wonder how my y/n-ya is doing, has she talked to Twice yet? I'm mad at Twice for what they have done to y/n so I just hope that they can resolve their problems.

After taking a few more pictures I can finally relax but only for like 10 minutes, I'm only on a break so they'll need to take pictures again soon. I just sit down and brows on my phone now.

*buzz buzz*

My phone is ringing? Who could it be? It doesn't have a callers ID. What if it's a fan? Should I answer it or not? Argh I don't care anymore, I'm bored so I'll answer it.

"Hello, who's this?"

"Ahh you've picked up, hello ma'am I'm sorry but may I ask for confirmation on if you a related to a Lee y/n?"

"Yes, this is her older sister."

"Oh a family member? This is a call from ***hospital, I'm sorry to inform you that Lee y/n was recently admitted to the hospital."

"What?! No, really?" There's no way. She was just fine the last time I saw her, she can't be hurt. What even happened?

"We wanted to notify someone who has a close relationship with the patient about the situation."

"Well thank you very much I'll be on my way now." I end the call.

No it can't be. I'm definitely not bored anymore but I didn't want this happening. Oh no my poor baby. I can't waste any time. I quickly tell my manger that I have an emergency and I don't wait for them to reply and instead run off. I'm still wearing some stylish clothes right now.

I don't have a car so I just get a taxi. I ask the driver to speed up and he grants my request. I pay the fee and quickly jog in my heels to the front desk.

"Hello, may I ask what room Lee y/n is in. I'm her sister." I said, trying to stay calm.

The receptionist tells me and I rush to find my sister's room. She's supposed to be in a shared hospital room.

I finally find her. I rush to the side of her bed. Oh no y/n. She's still unconscious. She looks so pale and she's got a lot of bruises but the only part of her that seems like the worst injured is her head. Even though it's only her head and not also a leg or arm I'm still extremely worried about her. What if something has happened to her brain, what if she has amnesia? What if she forgets me?

I sit down on a chair next to her bed. I take her hand in mine. A tear escapes my eye and runs down my cheek.

My poor y/n-ya. Wake up soon, please. Unnie's waiting just for you.

A doctor comes into the room and approaches us. It's a female doctor. She looks a bit shocked when she sees me.

"Oh you're IU, I'm this patient's doctor." She said.

"Yes, this is my younger sister." I looked at our hands clasped together, I gently rub the top of y/n's hand.

"Well I just got informed that a family member has come and I want to talk about the patient's condition." She spoke.

"So do you know how she ended up like this?" I asked her.

"The paramedics have said that they got her out a car accident involving a truck and a bus. Apparently the truck first rammed into her and then she got hit again by a bus from behind." A truck and a bus. I can't believe what she has just said right now.

"The sort of good news is that none of her limbs are broken badly but I'm afraid that her skull has been fractured, we won't be sure if she has any brain damage until she wakes up. The fracture itself is in its healing process now and I'm sure it will heal nicely but I'm sorry to inform you that the patient is currently in a comatose state." No no no, it can't be, she's in a coma? I can feel my eyes getting watery.

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