chapter 18

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Y/n's pov

Like I said it's not actually late. Urgh what am I gonna do? I made a promise to Blackpink and I take promises seriously. I can't just bail on them today, we've already put a plan to it and everything.

Jisoo unnie sent me text as well, she said they'll pick me up around 10:00pm but I still need to send them my address.

I look at the nine angels next to me. They're all fast asleep. It wouldn't hurt to just nip out quickly, would it? I remember they said that it will only be a quick hangout and that they'll take me home on the same night.

Fuck it, I'm going.

I could go out for a bit and come back here before midnight. *sigh* Am I sure about this? Yes, I am.

I look at them again. Please, please, please don't let them wake up in the middle of the night, I prayed. I silently slip away from them. I tiptoe to my room.

They said that they're gonna take me to a club. So if I'm gonna go I should look the part.

Might be a little revealing but hey I'm going to a club apparently, it's gonna be a bit dark

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Might be a little revealing but hey I'm going to a club apparently, it's gonna be a bit dark. I apply some nice clubbing makeup putting on a deep red lipstick.

I'll have to quickly change as soon as I get back.

I wait for a text from Jisoo unnie to saying that they're just in front of the building. When I receive it there's no going back.

I just received a text, it's time. I go out my room and sneak through my apartment to get to the door. I look back behind me to see them still sleeping. I quietly go out through the door. I've made it.

I take the elevator down because I live on like the top floor and plus I ain't walking down 50 flights of stairs in these heels.

I exit the building and see a fancy looking car, the windows on it go down revealing the Blackpink members.

"Whoo!!! Y/n!!" Lisa shouts. I'm like literally 2ft away from the car she doesn't need to shout.

"Shh! We're taking y/n out not her whole building. You'll wake up the whole neighbourhood." Jennie scolded the younger. I can't help but chuckle a little.

"Alright, come on move up, am I still going or not?" I teased and open the car door, sitting at the back. With those two. Jisoo is driving while Rosé is in the passenger seat.

We arrived safely and we're now sitting in a booth. Let me tell you wherever I look there's an idol alright. This is a nice place for idols to escape to, male and female idols freely talk to eachother without any commotion. I also spotted a few idols which I've done makeup on before, they would come towards us and say hi.

"*sigh* this is nice." Rosé said sinking into her seat. We're actually all drinking at the moment, we shouldn't drink too much though. I remember that Jisoo can't drink much before so she only has a small glass.

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