chapter 30

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Y/n's pov

We finished eating and I sat down in the living room while my girlfriends insisted on clearing up.

Hehe, I'm just replaying the scenes of what happened last night. They really are all something.

After a bit the members came and join me at my sofa. I giggle at the thought of last night again and they all stare at me. "What are you laughing about?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Oh nothing, but last night was pretty fun, especially for you guys." I said with a smirk and quickly busied myself with my phone to avoid them.

But my phone was then immediately taken away from me. "Yah. Give it back." Jihyo stole it.

"Only when you tell us what happened last night." She said. Wtf nothing really happened. I guess my teasing just made them curious about nothing.

I laughed at how they were so serious when asking. "I'm only joking guys nothing happened really. All of you were just drunk and were all flirty." As I said that they all went silent trying to recall any memories from last night.

With that I had the opportunity to steal back my phone. "Yoink." I took the phone and ran. My condo is pretty big, you could play hide and seek tag if you wanted to. In fact that's what I'll do and I got just the idea of how to make them play whether they like it or not.

 In fact that's what I'll do and I got just the idea of how to make them play whether they like it or not

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(A/n in earlier chapters your home looks a little different, but I guess it looks like this now. Also ignore that it looks like the evening in the image, it's still currently morning in the story.)

"Yah y/n-ya come back here." Nayeon said and got up from the sofa. While some members are making the mistake of taking their time I make it my chance to take their phones.

Most of them didn't physically have their phones on them. They were either laying around on a table somewhere or it was charging. Therefore I managed to take the majority of them.

Of course a few members like Mina had their phone, but to be fair she was playing a game so... Anyway I ran around holding about six odd phones. Not gonna lie with that many phones, they were a little heavy.

I make my way on the second floor and look over them. "If you guys want your phones then you have to catch me~ Also whoever catches me gets a reward~." I add the last part so the members that do still have their phones, they'll still get something in return for catching me.

And with that everyone is focused on trying to catch me. "You better come here y/n, cuz either way were gonna get you." Momo said.

Haha I don't think so. "I doubt any one of you can." I said to them and started running again. Honestly I don't know what's gotten over me. Suddenly playing like this. I think it's just that when I was young I didn't actually have many friends, but only because I was home schooled.

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