chapter 28

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3rd view pov

When the morning arrives, y/n is discharged from the hospital and is taken back to her home.

The Twice members drop her off at her apartment. Y/n decided to become Twice's makeup artist again so she has plans to talk with jyp.

Y/n's pov

Okay now this it. I have to get ready nicely and get to the building soon. I'm actually really excited, I literally can't wait to do their makeup again and honestly I miss it.

Ever since I was stuck in the hospital I wasn't able to do anything but eat, sleep and sleep. All I literally did there was sleep, the only thing I remember doing was sleeping, I don't remember anything else. Wait, oh yeah, I do remember being visited by about 19 girls at the same time, with about 18 of them having slept with me before and the other one being by sister. That was so embarrassing.

Anyway I have to get ready. I need to see jyp because I want my job back, even though I was the one who quit.

~Time skip~

I arrive at the building and approach the receptionists desk. Oh wow, the cute receptionist is still working here and I must say that her makeup looks better than ever.

Oops we're having a staring contest, I should say something. "Umm, hello. I have a scheduled meeting today with jyp." I give a friendly smile which causes her to blush. Urgh y/n you shouldn't lead her on, I'm in a relationship.

She types on her keyboard and clicks on her mouse. "Your name is y/n right? I haven't seen you in a while." She makes small talk while she's still browsing on her computer with an innocent smile on her face.

"Haha yeah, right back at ya." Is all I could say and we have a little giggle.

She goes back to concentrating on her screen. Just being in this building brings back some memories. I wonder what Twice are doing. This morning they dropped me off at my home and they said that they have to go to company, they said they've got a busy schedule today.

It must be hard being famous. But anyhow I'll support my girls, maybe I'll spot them today.

The receptionist gives me confirmation and finishes whatever she's doing on her computer. "I'll see you around y/n-ssi." She then winked at me cutely and giggled.

"Haha, see you later." I laughed with her and started my way to the elevator. That receptionist ain't bad. But for some reason just now I feel someone burning me with a stare. I look around but don't see anyone besides a quite familiar small, short figure going the opposite way as me, so I can't see their face.

I better get going now, I have a job to get back.

Chaeyoung's pov

Oh my goodness, I can't believe you y/n-ya. Laughing, giggling with that stranger. I have to tell my unnies what I saw. Seeing y/n with another girl just makes me so jealous.

I make my way to the practice room and burst through the door, gaining my unnies' stares. "You won't believe what I saw!" I exclaimed to them all.

But without letting any of them answer I just continue. "I went by the reception and saw y/n taking to the receptionist. The receptionist was flirting with our y/n, I saw her winking and both of them laughing."

"That receptionist thinks that y/n is a stray dog when it actuality she is already owned by nine." Tzuyu huffed. Hehe my chingu is so funny.

"Yeah, y/n is no stray. We're her owners." Nayeon-ni said. Honestly she's always telling Tzuyu-ya off when she refers to y/n as anything related to pets but this time she just agreed. I guess she really is jealous.

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