chapter 17

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Y/n's pov

I take out my different makeup supplies and set them all out on the table. I take out my brushes and the obviously the makeup. I basically have like everything, foundations, concealers, lipsticks, other lip tinting products, and all the other makeup crap for your eye area.

"Nayeon-ni, Sana-ni! Come here~" I'll call them happily while I continue to take out some stuff.

"Ne~" They go by my side and I take out a quick cleaner product and those cosmetic cotton wool pads. I hand it to them.

"Here. Wipe your faces, go now and don't come back until your face is bare. I'll check them again." I teasingly said.

A few members come towards me. "Haha I never knew you could be so scary." Jeongyeon said to me.

"You find me scary?" I grab her chin to pull her closer. I smirk at her and she looks away blushing. "No." She said flustered.

I go close to her ear and whisper. "Well you should be." I'm only teasing and bite her ear.

A pair of arms grab my waist and pull me away from Jeongyeon. "Don't bite your owners y/n." Tzuyu scolded me.

"Hahaha okay, but are you sure you're not jealous because I'm biting someone other than you." I whisper then lick her ear lobe.

She pats my head and smiles at me, it's like she's praising me. Da fuq? The two who didn't listen to me came back. "We finished y/n-ya" Sana unnie said.

"Let me see." They come just a little closer and yes they did in fact come back with bare faces. They're a bit far but I can tell.

"Okay. Good." I plainly say.

"You don't want them to go closer?" Mina asked.

"No no, I can tell. They don't have any makeup, they cleaned it off well." I turn back around to my stuff and start fiddling with some things.

"Wow so your eye sight is really good?" Dahyun questioned me.

"I mean yeah, I guess but I don't really know, I can usually tell if someone has makeup or not just by a quick glance. I can also tell what makeup they have on no matter how much or little they've applied. I've got like hawk eyes or something." I giggle at the thought of me having super sight. They've gone quiet, I've rambled on again. I mentally sigh, makeup can really distract me.

I turn around to face them all their eyes are all focused on me but it's like they're all day dreaming. I clasp my hands together to get their full attention.

"So who wants to go first?" I said. They all raised their hands. Wow I did not think they would be this eager for me to do their makeup. Because if I'm honest I'm the only one who's actually doing something and the idol just sits there while I doll them up.

I don't really know why they're excited, if anything I should be the most excited because if you didn't already know I like makeup. (v^ー°)

An hour or two has passed and I'm just doing the last member I haven't done. Dahyun-ni's skin is so nice I don't actually think I have to put any foundation on her. She doesn't need any base makeup so I'll just apply sunscreen and then I'll use a cream type blush. I do the rest of her makeup and try different things on her.

"Done." I smile at her and go to where Mina is. She's on the sofa on her phone, probably playing a game. I don't want to entirely disturb her so I silently approach her and lay down on the sofa, resting my head on her lap.

Today I've basically just experimented on them, I've just gone with whatever I felt like doing. I've been doing makeup for about 2 hours straight, nonstop. I didn't realise until now that I'm exhausted, well not really I'm just being dramatic.

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