chapter 38

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Y/n's pov

I open my eyes to see that it's still dark out. What time is it? I try to search for my phone in the dim area. I'm surrounded by quite a few bodies and I'm still wearing the dog collar.

I can't seem to fall back asleep so I might as well get up now. I escape the bedroom without a sound. I look at the wall clock to see that it's only 5 in the morning.

I head to the bathroom and I'm honestly not even surprised with all the marks they've made on me because I'm so used to it. My body is covered in marks and it's not only hickeys but ring marks from the collar and handcuffs.

I freshen up a bit and find some clothes lying around I don't know which members' it is but they're kinda big on me.

I manage to find my phone and browse on it for a little. I get bored easily, what shall I do now?

There should be some groceries since I just bought them some yesterday, let's cook them breakfast. I want to make a nice meal before they wake up.

~Time skip~

I've completed cooking all the dishes and I just covered them all since I don't want the food to get cold when my girlfriends wake up.

I make myself a cup of coffee to fully wake me up. I sit by myself at the dining table taking small swips of my hot coffee.

I stare at nothing.

I'm gonna do it.

I quickly gulp down what's left of my coffee and place it in the sink. Thankfully I brought a spare change of formal clothes with me.

I look in the mirror once again. I've got marks all over my neck, chest, stomach and thighs as well as a ring mark round my neck and matching ones round my wrists.

 I've got marks all over my neck, chest, stomach and thighs as well as a ring mark round my neck and matching ones round my wrists

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I wear a turtleneck and long sleeves to hide any of the marks. I should look presentable to show that I'm taking this opportunity seriously.

I'll just take a bus again this time so I don't have to borrow any of their cars.

Before I leave I write Twice a little message on a piece of paper so they won't worry too much.

I begin by writing, 'Dear Twice....'

3rd view pov

Y/n finished writing her little note and went out the dorm. She made her way to the bus stop and it wasn't long until a bus came.

The ride was quiet and peaceful and she got to the company safely. Y/n entered the lobby and approached the receptionists desk.

"Oh hi y/n-ya it's nice to see you again looking so lovely, I hope your lip is better. What are doing here again so early in the morning anyway?" Norae asked y/n with a cheerful smile.

"I'm here on serious business unnie. I need to see Jyp immediately, is he here right now?" Y/n said trying to give off a serious vibe but in Norae's eyes she looked like an adorable little kid.

"Hehe whatever you say y/n. I'll just check now for you." She began typing on her PC and soon enough she gave an answer.

"Yes, he is here and he should be free right now. Go on ahead. Good luck with your serious business you look pretty today~." She complimented.

"O-okay, thanks." Y/n said and went off to the elevator. She got to the right floor and walked through the familiar halls.

She came across Jyp's office door and knocked. The man's voice beckoned for her to enter.

Jyp was surprised to see y/n at first but his expression turned into a confident one after seeing the own girl's confident smile.

He opened his drawer at his desk and took out a few sheets of paper. No one spoke yet. Y/n sat down in the chair in front of him.

"so have you thought about it? What's your final decision?" Jyp said. The contract was presented on the table facing y/n.

Y/n takes out a pen from her pocket in the inside of her coat. She smirks...

"where do I sign?"


Back at the dorm the members begin to wake up one by one. Tzuyu wakes up first and feels around the bed for y/n but she's not there. "I swear that little pup, she's always running away, I should just keep her in a cage." She mumbled.

As the nine of them get up they walk into the kitchen to see a full table filled with dishes.

"Hey guys look, it's a note." Mina finds the slip of paper with y/n's writing.


Dear Twice,                                    

I made you all some breakfast
so eat up. I have some very
important business to attend to.
I'll be back soon, I love all.

                            -Your soloist

To be continued...

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