chapter 35

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Y/n's pov

I open my eyes to find that I'm in the maknaes' room. Oh yeah, we just came back from Hawaii and I guess I fell asleep again. I'm in Dahyun's bed right now, she looks so peaceful. It's actually dark outside but her skin is so pale I can see her flawless skin glowing ever so slightly.

Like I said it's still dark out, there's hardly any light shining through the curtains. I feel around for my phone. I find it and look at the time, 04:18. Wow that's early. I would go back to sleep but I just can't. I guess I've had enough sleep for now.

Ever so quietly I slide off the bed, not wanting to wake up any of the maknae line. I close the door behind me and make my way to their kitchen. I wonder if they have any food. They might not because they probably emptied the fridge before leaving for our holiday to avoid coming back to spoiled food.

And I was right. Maybe they have something it the cupboards, I'm actually not that bother- HOLY SHIT. My phone rang, I nearly pissed myself.

Urgh who the fuck is calling me at nearly four thirty in the morning? I don't spare a glance at the caller's ID and just answer.

"Yeoboseyo?" I said groggily.

"Hello. Y/n?"

It took me a second to recognise whose voice was on the other side.

"Ah. Jyp. May I ask why you're calling on this fine and early morning?" I try to sound enthusiastic.

"I must discuss something with you. I was wondering if you are free right now and if could come to the company so we could talk face to face. I apologise for calling you so early and any other inconveniences but I just couldn't wait to talk to you about this." His tone was neutral, I couldn't tell if he was happy, sad or angry.

"Oh, okay sir. So you want me to go over to the company now?" I asked hesitantly. I'm worrying just a little bit now.

"Yes. Don't worry y/n-ya, you're not in trouble." He reassured me and I hear him chuckle quietly.

"I'll be there as soon as I can, I'll just have to tell-"

"Oh, for now y/n please refrain from telling anyone about our meeting. We can confirm any more details in person." Okay then? Why does it need to be so secretive?

"Alright sir. I'll see you soon."

"Bye y/n."

I hung up and decide what to do next. I haven't been home yet so I don't know if I have any clothes to wear. I should look formal for whatever reason he has decided to call me so early in the morning for.

I rummage through my suitcase but couldn't find anything. I then thought of stealing some of my girlfriends' clothes. They wouldn't mind, right?

I sneak into all of their rooms one by one to see what they have to offer. Even though they're all asleep. In the end I've stolen from multiple of them.

 In the end I've stolen from multiple of them

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