chapter 32

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Ever since their arrival they've just been exploring the area and the city. It was scheduled that Twice would be able to go to a shopping mall and obviously buy I few things.

While walking around the city the Twice members were just as usual making jokes and talking about random things with cameras filming their every move.

Although the cameras were on for quite long periods of time, the good thing was that the filming wasn't live. So if something considered bad was to happen, the video editors can just cut it out as if nothing happened.

Twice make it to the mall and are exploring a supermarket inside. They look around at the different foods, getting amazed by snacks and treats they wouldn't particularly find back in Korea.

"Wah~ unnie look at these." Chaeyoung pointed at these strawberry sweets for Dahyun to see. Dahyun had her arm wrapped around Chaeyoung's, the cameras filming the cute friendship moment.

"Tzuyu-ya, come with meee~ I wanna go heeere~." Sana grabbed Tzuyu's hand and dragged her to another aisle until Mina came into view aswell.

"No Tzu, let's go this way." Mina looped her arm around Tzuyu's. The two Japanese playfully bicker and the camera catches their funny play fighting.

Tzuyu spots Momo looking around by herself. Momo isn't bothered walking alone because she's currently surrounded by different foods and she's basically mesmerised with all the Hawaiian products, not even noticing she's alone.

Tzuyu slips away from the two youngest Japanese and heads for the eldest one. "Ahh unnie what you looking at?" Tzuyu partners up with Momo and they carry on walking around. Sana and Mina are oblivious to where Tzuyu is.

Meanwhile 3mix are wondering around with a shopping cart. "Yahh! Unnie stop, put it back." Jihyo said to the eldest. Nayeon just keeps finding different foods and putting them in the shopping cart as she pleases. Jeongyeon doesn't really give a fuck and just chuckles as she continues to push the cart down the aisle.

Twice end up staying in the shop for quite a while looking for things to buy not just for themselves but for y/n too.

Eventually they head to the till and pay for everything. Y/n has been watching them and looking closely especially focusing on their clothes. Some of the clothes that Twice are wearing are either a bit tight or either a bit revealing if the fabric was to be pulled on or slip down a little.

Since Hawaii is quite a humid place, Twice and all the other staff, including y/n, are wearing summer style clothes. Which can be just a tad bit too short or revealing. It's alright for the members of staff to wear practicality anything however Twice aren't that free when it comes to a dress code.

Twice are idols who still need to maintain their appearances. Obviously people in general know that Twice or just any kpop idols wear revealing clothes but not for the public and just for their personal preference in private.

As Twice exit the shopping mall they make their way down the paths and streets to sightsee more things.

Y/n and the rest of the staff follow closely behind them. That's when y/n notices Sana fumbling with her top again. Y/n noticed when they were in the shop that Sana kept having to pull the neck cut of her blouse up because it kept sliding down, revealing her cleavage. The blouse had a V cut and was quite low.

Y/n then did her job and took Sana away from the camera shot in a discrete way. "Unnie let me help you fix your top." Y/n didn't let Sana answer her and she turned her around to see the back of Sana.

"Oh you don't have to y/n-ya, I coul-." Sana wasn't able to finish her sentence. "Of course I have to. It's my job to do so anyway. Plus I don't want anyone looking at what's mine." Y/n whispered from behind into Sana's ear.

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