Chapter 3: At the rooftop

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The two lectures before the lunch break went very well as Mia was sitting beside me. She also cracked some jokes in between the lectures which kept me in joyful mood. We were going to the cafeteria until  a teacher called her for help in the library. She apologized as she couldn't eat with me leaving me alone. But I convinced her that I will be fine. As I was alone so I thought to go to the rooftop to eat my lunch in silence. As soon as I reached there, I saw a boy sitting there peacefully until I realised that he was no one other than Taehyung. I wonder what he was doing here. Where are his other two friends? Why is he alone?

I thought whether I should approach him or not  but my thoughts were interrupted as my phone started ringing making Taehyung realise of my presence. He looked back to see who was present and then again looked forward without any reaction. I finally gathered up my courage and went to sit beside him on the bench keeping a safe distance between us.

Hey! We meet again. What were you doing here?   

  I asked unsure of how to start the conversation.

He again ignored me and kept looking straight without staring at particular something. This time he really was getting on my nerves. Who does he think of himself and how can he ignore someone like this.

Hey! Don't you know how to talk or cat got your tongue huh? How can you ignore someone who is approaching  you so politely?  

   I yelled at him for his arrogant behaviour.  He then slightly move his head  towards me to see my face and then again retreated back.

Don't you know when someone doesn't talk it means he is not interested in talking to anyone?   He asked me sarcastically.

But I just wanted to help you with the notes earlier and still you ignored me although I was behaving very politely.  

  I argued.

Then why do you want to help me? Did I ask for your help? No. Then why are you wasting your time in trying to help me.  

This time he was very annoyed.

But I just wanted to help you as my desk mate. This is what friends do, right?   

I said still calmly.

But we are not friends.

  He stated.

So we can become friends right? 

I asked.

I don't want to be friend with you.

He declared.

But why?

  I asked eagerly waiting for him to answer.

Because I don't want. Simple.

He stated annoyingly and left  the rooftop.  I just sat there shocked at what happened to him suddenly.
I didn't do anything wrong, right?  I was just asked him to be friend with me. Still.... Let him be. The lunch break must be over till now. Let me see Mia or she might be finding me everywhere.

In the Hallway:

Finally Mia came back from library and we were heading to our next class. I told her everything which happened on the rooftop which shocked her a bit.

Why did you approached him?

  She asked.

Because he was just sitting there alone and I didn't have a company so I thought I could make him my new friend.  

  I replied.

Soojin there are many students in this uni then why him?   

She argued.

Because there was nobody present there around and I didn't want to go to cafeteria back again.

Soojin I'm warning you again. He is a bad boy. Stay away from him if you want to study here in peace. The popular girls are always looking for him and if they found out that you befriended him then they will bully you and make your life a hell.   

She said seriously.

Yes I understand. But he must have some other friends other than those two, right?

   I  argued.

No. He is only close to them and talks with nobody in this uni. No one goes near him to stay away from his cold gaze. So you also stay away from him. I don't want you to get into a mess. 

She warned again.

Ok! I will not go near him. Happy?

I reassured her.

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