Chapter 26: Don't Avoid Me

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Soojin's POV :

I unbuckled my seat belt quickly to get out of the car and head in the store only to Taehyung stopping me by grabbing my wrist and slamming me on the car's door. At that very moment, I felt my heartbeat faster than usual making me nervous.

Why are you avoiding me, huh?

He asked me looking at my eyes. Now, what will I answer him?

N-No. I'm not avoiding you.

I said trying hard not to stutter but failing miserably.

Then why are you not talking to me like usual? You are avoiding me and only finding ways to run away from me. Whenever I try to initiate a conversation you just dodge it off by giving some mere replies.

I thought that he would not notice it but hell, he did.

You are thinking wrong. I'm not avoiding you at all.

I said laughing at my own nervousness.

Look. I'm sorry for flirting with you yesterday. I shouldn't have teased you yesterday. I regret it now seeing that you are not behaving the same with me as usual. It really makes me sad that you don't want to talk to me and you avoid me. I really can't take it. I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

He said apologising sincerely.

What are you talking about Taehyung? I don't understand.

I  asked as I was a bit confused as why he was apologising.

Sometimes, I flirt with girls to spend some time with them. I know I shouldn't have done the same with you. You are different from all of them and that's what I like about you.

He said making my heart flutter.

And I also don't wanna mess up our friendship just because of my behavior. So, please forgive me.

I'm not mad at you, Taehyung. It's just that I still don't know much about you and I would like to know you more.

It means that you are not mad at me?

He asked me with his puppy eyes.


I shook my head.

I promise you that I'll change my behavior for you. I'll not flirt with you and tease you anymore.

He said making my heart sad for a reason which I don't know.

No! You don't need to change yourself for me. Just be who you are yourself. I wanna know the real you.

Does that mean that I can flirt with you anytime?

He asked wiggling his eyebrows making me roll my eyes at him. I'm surprised at his duality. Few minutes ago, he was being all pouty for my forgiveness and now he is back at his cocky behavior.

Yes. I-I m-mean no. That's not what I want to say. I wanna say is that-

I said stuttering a lot at my own words. This is so embarrassing.

Let's go in the store. We will get late.

I said pushing him aside and entered the grocery store making him chuckle at my flustered state and following me from behind.

Time skip:

We reached the house after shopping for an hour. We both entered the house with the grocery bags in our hands only to find that the front door was open. We find it a bit suspicious so we entered carefully. We both got the biggest shock in our life when we entered the living room and saw the scene in front of us.

Jimin and Mia were making out on the sofa while she was straddling his lap and both were busy in their makeout session. I dropped my grocery store on the floor out of shock which made them both gasp in surprise and stand on the floor in awkwardness.

Umm- I-I c-can e-explain.

Jimin said stuttering while Mia was a whole red tomato in embarrassment.

Yes. You both have a lot of explanation to make.

Taehyung said in his usual tone.

But where is Jungkook?

I asked while grabbing the bags again and kept it properly on the dining table.

He is showering in his room. So, we got some privacy here. And you both had to disturb it.

Jimin said in dissappointment while Mia slapped his arm playfully earning a chuckle from both of us. That's when Jungkook also entered the living room while being confused at our laughs.

What's happening here?

He asked and I explained him everything. He also got surprised a bit but then started teasing his hyung while wiggling his eyebrows.

So, what happened?

I and Mia were sitting on the sofa while Jungkook was in his room. Then, we both started discussing some topics which led us to talk about dating. Then, I thought to confess her. But I was very nervous at first and couldn't decipher any words. So, I kissed her to show her my feelings. She also kissed me back and  we were enjoying our moment while you both entered the living room.

Jimin explained everything while making us smile at them.

So, are you both together now?

Obviously, they both were making out now. It means that they both like each other and now, they are official right?

Jungkook asked in confirmation to which they both nodded, smiling shyly. We all congratulated them and asked them for a party to which they both agreed. They are gonna make tonight's feast which means that I may get some rest.

But still, I had to make the lunch and we all started to watch a movie after eating the lunch. Obviously, the film was romantic one as Jimin had chosen. We all were teasing them whenever a kiss scene or romantic scene would come.

Time skip:

We all enjoyed the feast which Jimin and Mia made for us. It was a win-win situation for all of us as we got some rest and the couple got to spend some time together. Overall, everything was going very well as we all were enjoying a lot and now that there's a couple in our group it's more fun.

I also didn't avoid Taehyung after the conversation we had, but I must say that he still makes my heart flutter. The one thing which I'm afraid of is falling for him as I know he may not choose a girl like me, who is not so pretty and studious.

But still, we enjoyed our one week at his farm house and it also helped us to relax from our usual busy schedule of university.

Time skip:

Time flies so fast that we didn't even know that its already one week that we stayed at Taehyung's farm house and now, we will be returning home. Obviously, we all were sad but also decided to come back again to enjoy like this.

We started our two-hours journey in the afternoon and reached our homes till the evening. Taehyung dropped us at our home and we all bid our goodbyes to each other.

Time skip:

After I came home, I felt a bit tired. So, I took a shower and had my dinner with my parents. I told them every details about our vacation and they were very happy to know that we all enjoyed a lot. I greeted my parents 'good night' and entered my room. I hopped on my bed and my eyes felt heavy due to the tiredness.

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