Chapter 29: Friends Or Dreams?

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Taehyung's POV :

I noticed Soojin being sad and nervous all day, especially after she got her results. I think that she must have scored less marks. When the bell rang, I saw that the teacher was talking to her about something which I assumed was about her marks. Then, she bowed to her and left to the the rooftop.

I also followed her to the rooftop, by keeping a safe distance between us to not let her be suspicious of someone following her. I peeked from the rooftop door to see that she was sitting on the floor, resting her back on the wall while her head was hung low.

I  also listened some sobs from her which concluded that she was crying. I felt a pang in my heart by seeing her cry. I just wanted to embrace her tightly and say that 'it's alright' but I just hold back the urge to go to her. But I can't just stand here, seeing her cry.

I needed to do something to make her feel better. So, I approached her crying figure slowly and removed my handkerchief from my pant's pocket and handed it to her. She looked at that handkerchief shocked and then looked at me with those red, puffy eyes.

Soojin's POV :

I was crying hysterically when I noticed someone handed me a handkerchief and I looked at that person. What is he doing here? It was the first question that came to my mind. He also sat beside me and dried my tears with his handkerchief, while I was just looking at him.

Its okay to cry. Let it all out. You will feel better and I'm here with you.

He said and put his arm around my shoulder, embracing me. That was the only confirmation needed to let my guard down and show him my weakness. I cried a lot on his shoulder and his shirt also soaked with my tears but he looked like he didn't care.

After some time, I felt better after letting all my feelings out and I took his handkerchief to wipe my tears and handed it to him saying a small 'thanks'.

What happened? Why were you crying?

He asked me softly.

I got a B grade in my exams for the very first time in my life.

I kept silent for a minute and answered him honestly.

Ohh. But what's so special about those silly marks. You know B grade is far better than the students who fail.

He said trying to motivate me but I didn't find it funny at all.

I don't care about them. I just know that I got distracted from my studies which led to me scoring less marks.

I said directly.

A single sheet of the report card can't decide your future, you know that right?

Its very easy for you to say those things.

Huh? What do you mean?

He got  confused by my words.

Your family runs business and it's very simple that you are gonna be the next CEO making it very easy for you to decide your career. But on the other hand, I don't even know how will I compete in the outer world with nothing but my dreams.

I said honestly what was on my mind, without even caring that I might sound rude.

Its not that simple as it looks.

He said in a low, barely audible voice.

What do you mean?

All the people think that I'm gonna be the heir for their business and expect a lot from me. Even my parents, they believe that I'll become a successful businessman one day. But nobody asked me if I'm happy with that decision.

He said truly, making me feel more guilty of judging him.

Its true that seeing my family work so hard for our business, I also learnt how to be passionate and hard working for the business. But that was not what I wanted from the start.

He said making me more confused.

Does that mean you will not become the CEO?

No. I mean I have to become the next CEO as its my duty and also responsibility as their only heir, but my initial dream was very different.

What was your dream?

I always wanted to be a football player. But after I grew, I faced the reality that I have to takeover the family business. So, I ignored my actual dream and tried to take more interest in the business. As time passed by, I started growing interest in it and now, after graduating, I'll take over the business.

Ohh. So do you regret that you will not follow your actual dream?

I asked carefully.

No. But I just think that it is not always as easy as it seems. Everybody has their own difficulties in their own path, though they don't show it to anyone. But in actual, they are always fighting for their dreams.

He said sincerely, making me feel more guilty.

I'm so sorry, Taehyung. I'm sorry that I judged you and just jumped into conclusions that your life is so easy, comparing my life with yours. But now, I understand that our lives all are different and everybody is struggling in their own way. So, I must not judge anyone.

I apologized to him.

Its okay, Soojin. You didn't knew about the reality.

He said giving me a small smile.

Then, now what you will do?

As I said before, I'll become the next CEO and keep playing football frequently as a hobby. It will be enough for me that though it was my first dream but I still continue to play.

He said to which I nodded.

And what about you?

I always had interest in interior designing. So, I think that I'll pursue higher studies in that field.

Nice. I think you will be a great interior designer one day. I still remember the suggestions you gave me on that farm house. You really have quite knowledge about it.

He said motivating me to which I smiled genuinely.

I also think that you will become a great CEO one day.

Yeah. I know.

He said making me chuckle at his confidence.

By the way, what were you talking about with the teacher?

He asked remembering.

Ohh. That. The teacher told that you guys are distracting me from my studies. So, she said either to continue your friendship with you all or to just leave my dreams.

I said honestly while his face depicted a bit sadness.

Then, what are you gonna do about it?

He asked in a low voice.

I'm going to continue our friendship as you guys are all good to me. It's just that I'll also try my best not to distract from my studies. In that way, I can achieve both the things.

I said and he sighed in relief, I guess.

I thought that you were going to discontinue our friendship.

He said slightly pouting.

No. Not at all. If you all were not good friends then I had to break our friendship. But it's the opposite in reality. You guys are the only friends that I have now and I feel lucky to have you all. So, no chance of letting go our friendship.

I said assuring him while he smiled his boxy smile.

Now, let's go and meet others.

I said to him and he nodded his head.
Yeah. How can we forget about them?

He said making me chuckle and we both left the rooftop.

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