Chapter 5: The mansion

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Soojin's POV:

I was going towards my classroom for
my next lectures while thinking about the project with Taehyung until I got a call from Mia.

-Hello, Soojin. I'm sorry I couldn't come to school today.

                        -Yahh! So early you remembered that, right? I was worried sick about you. Should have informed me earlier.

- Sorry na Soojin, I was busy handling the house chores as my mom was sick and dad is out of country for business tour. Next time, I'll will inform you, alright?

                           -Okay! Okay! I understand. If you need any help or there is some urgency, don't hesitate to call me, alright?

-Yeah, I promise. By the way, how's your day going?

I narrated her the entire story of the project.

-What! Really ? 

                             - Yes. And today I'm going to his house at 6 pm for completing the project.

- Oh my my! But please take care of yourself and stay a bit distant from them. They are always looking for a chance to humiliate others.


                          - Yes. I'll take care of myself. Okay,bye. I'm going to be late otherwise.

-Yeah, yeah. Bye.

Time skip:

After three lectures, I'm finally going back home. But I have to go to Taehyung's house for project. Uhh....

At home:

Mom! I'm back home. First, make me something to eat because I have to go to my friend's house for a project and I don't wanna be late.

Ohh! Is it a boy?

She asked interestingly.


Really? Is he your boyfriend? Do you like him or have a crush on him?

She asked curiously taking interest in this topic.

Not at all. He is very arrogant and rude. We don't even know each other that well.

Then I wish you both get closer due to this project. Who knows he can become your boyfriend one day, then husband and I'll have a lot of grandchildren....

She started making her own fantasy.

MOM! Stop your imagination first. And cook me something.

I said embarrassed due to my mother's dreams.

Yeah! But promise me that you will tell me first when you get yourself a boyfriend.

She acted like a teenager. So cute.

Okay. I promise you.

She squealed like a high school teenager and  started making something delicious.

Time skip:

I ate my snacks which mother made for me and now I'm on my way to Taehyung's house as he sent me his address.

As soon as I reached the destination, my jaw dropped to the ground after looking in the scene infront of me

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As soon as I reached the destination, my jaw dropped to the ground after looking in the scene infront of me.
OH MY GOD!!  This is not a house.....this is a damn freaking mansion. No wonder, he is so rich being the son of the top CEOs of the country. I told the guards in front of the mansion my identity and reason for visiting his house.

I ringed the bell of this huge front door of the mansion. Some seconds later, a lady in her forties opened the door.

Oh Hello, Mam. How can I help you?

She asked me politely.

I'm here for doing a project with Taehyung. He called me here at 6 pm. Isn't he home?

I asked.

Yes. The young master is in his bedroom with his friends. Wait in the living room and I will call him.

She said taking me to the living room and asked me for something to eat or drink. I politely declined her offer.

I was just sitting on the sofa of this luxurious mansion. Few seconds later, the three boys came down while talking to each other or I must say Jimin and Jungkook were bickering and Taehyung was just listening to them.

Oh! You came on time.  

Jimin said first.

Yes. I'm always punctual.

I said faking him a smile.

Can we start the project? I need to go home before it gets late.

I asked Taehyung politely.

Okay then. We can go to my bedroom. My whole school stuff is in there.

As soon as he pronounced the word 'bedroom'  the two boys started teasing him and laughing like maniacs.

Are you both sure that you will do only project, nothing else?

Jimin asked wiggling his eyebrows and teasing both of us. On the other hand, we both were just standing there without any expression.

If you are done with your nonsense, can you both leave us alone? We need to finish this as soon as possible and we don't want any disturbance in between.

I asked him annoyed.

No. He is our friend and we will not leave him alone.

This time it was turn of Jungkook to say in between. I just looked at Taehyung expecting him to say something but he was just listening to our conversation. After few seconds of silence...

Then let's do here in living room but you both don't disturb us and mind your own work.

He said finally pointing to these both dumb boys.


They both agreed. They went in some room and came together, something in both of their hands.

Until you both finish this dumb project, we will play games on our PCs.

Jungkook said agreeing to Taehyung.

Wait here until I bring my school work  down here.

He said in his usual cold tone.

I nodded and took a comfortable seat on the sofa, waiting for him. I glanced at the boys and they were engrossed in playing their digital games, sitting on another sofa maintaining a distance between us.

Taehyung came down with some of his books and other stationary items in his other hand. His books were as clean as  a mirror. I wonder if he even opened his books after buying them. We decided that he will search about the different topics from  different subjects and I'll write down the notes presentably. I noticed him and this time he was really doing his work with full concentration. Atleast he is not that tough as a guy, I thought.

There was a comfortable silence as we both were too concentrated in our work until....


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