Chapter 35: You Are My Date

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Soojin's POV :

He stared at me deeply while here I was calming down my thumping heart.

By the way, your song selection was good.

He said making me confused.

Huh? What?

The song said that your heart flutters. Does your heart really flutters because of me? Does it beat faster whenever I'm with you?

He asked seriously.

Y-Yes.. I m-mean n-no... I m-mean that...

I said stuttering a lot making me close my eyes shut in embarrassment. I opened my eyes again when I heard him chuckling. I looked at him in a confused state.

You are so adorable, Soojin. I just want to pinch your cheeks.

He said pinching my cheeks and making the 'uuuuuu' sound while I glared at him playfully.

You may not believe but my heart really beats faster than usual when I'm with you. I don't even realize how fast my time pass with you. You really make my heart flutter. And your the only girl that has this effect on me.

He said with a small smile. I blushed a lot at his words. Deep in my heart, I considered myself lucky as I'm the only one for whom he is so whipped.

Shall we go downstairs? They might think that we are doing something in my bedroom.

Like what?

I asked confusedly.

Like making love.

He whispered in my ears which turned me in a whole tomato. I slapped his arms playfully while we both laughed and went downstairs. The day continued with our bickerings, laughs and enjoyment.

Time skip :

In the class:

The bell rang signalling that the boring lecture finally ended after whole sixty minutes. I and Mia together went to the lockers to check out next lecture.

Oh my god! It's the PT lecture.

She said excitedly while it made my mood go down.

What happened? Are you not happy?

She asked and I shooked my head as

That teacher always makes us run ten rounds of that whole big ground. What are we? Are we in a  military school to undergo such harsh training. We are just small students.

I said whining while she laughed at me.

Aww. Small students, huh? Darling, you are gonna graduate this year and you still call yourself a small kid?

She said making me smile.

Come on, let's go. Otherwise, he will give us punishment for coming late.

She said literally dragging me to get ready for the PT lecture.

Time skip:

After 10 rounds of running continuously, I'm sitting on the ground, chugging down the water in one go. That's when the teacher again called us.

Attention! Today, we will compete in different games and will select the best sports player in your class, okay?

He said making all cheer in excitement while I just nodded at him. I don't like sports, so I don't even like running races at all.

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