Chapter 25: How To Avoid Him?

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Soojin's POV :

After I went up to him, he behaved as if nothing happened before and was very calm while I was busy in my thoughts and stuttering whenever he asked me something. God! Please save me.

Soojin! Taehyung! We are home.

The three yelled together and we came downstairs to meet them.

How was fishing? Did you enjoyed it?

I asked curiously.

Yes. It was so fun. I wish you both were there too.

Mia answered and pouted.

Go, freshen up. Till then, I'll serve you the cookies I made.

Cookies! Really?

Jungkook asked excited.

Yes. Now, go.

I said and they all literally ran to their rooms to get freshen up and eat my cookies. Taehyung also went to his room for which I'm glad otherwise I would have done something more embarrassing than only stuttering.

Time skip:

Wow! This cookies are awesome. You really are a great cook.

Jungkook said praising me.

Hmm. I agree.

Jimin answered while his mouth was stuffed with cookies.

Soojin, next time teach me how to cook, okay? I don't know much about it.

Yeah sure. By the way, we will start making dinner and you guys help us prepare the ingredients, okay?


Jimin and Jungkook nodded while Taehyung was just eating his cookies peacefully.

Time skip:

We all four were in kitchen except Taehyung as he was just sitting on the sofa while watching movies. We had so much fun even if we had to work because both the boys would often crack jokes and whine about doing so much work for the first time.

Dinner is ready!

I said gaining everyone's attention and we all sat on the dining table. Jimin was in the charge of serving the food and preparing the dining table.

Time skip:

We all ate our dinner and everybody went to their rooms for rest as they were all very tired. I was the last one as I had to wash the dishes. After everything was done, I made my  way towards my room to sleep quickly.

I opened the door slowly and approached the bed carefully because Mia was a light sleeper. I laid down on my side of the bed and slept peacefully.

In the midnight :

I heard a slight sound which broke my sleep. The sound was of someone entering our room while tiptoeing. It made me alert and I kept lying to not make any suspicious attempt. I didn't know who the person was but I think that he must be one of the boys. But why would they come here and that too this late?

I peeked through my slightly opened eyes to see who the person was only to see that the person was sitting on my side at the edge of the bed. I immediately recognized who the person was due to his strong cologne.

I woke up after he shook me up by slightly tapping my shoulder and I sat there shocked to see what he was doing here, in the midnight.

Taehyung... What are you doing here?

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