Chapter 30: The Short Skirt

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Soojin's POV :

As I said to Taehyung, nowadays I'm kind of managing both my friendship and studies. I have learnt how to manage them both simultaneously. I hanged with my friends yesterday which led to me keep my homework incomplete and I sat till the late night to complete it.

Now, as a result, I woke up late today and everything is not going as it always happen. Not a single thing from the morning is perfect. My all school uniform sets were in the laundry basket while I didn't have another uniform to wear.

I had no option but to wear the  short skirt I had with myself as extra. Though it was short and covered only my mid thighs, I had no other option but to wear that short skirt as I can't skip my classes today. I wore my pressed uniform and went to the university.

Time skip :

As soon as I entered the hallway, all the attention was on me, mostly boys. They all started whispering about me while I was feeling extremely uncomfortable by their stares.

I noticed that there was still some time for the bell to ring. So, I went towards my locker and kept my bag in it. That's when Mia waved at me and came towards me.

Wow, Soojin. You look all hot today.

She said making me slap her hand playfully while she was laughing at my reaction.

I told her the whole situation and that I was feeling so awkward, knowing all the boys attention was on me.

Oh. Don't worry. This day will go pretty quickly and I'll be with you always so that you don't feel uncomfortable, okay?

She said making me grateful to her.

Thanks Mia.

I said and we both went for our first class together.

Lunch Time:

Taehyung's POV:

Today, I bunked my first lecture in the morning as I woke up late today, as always. But who cares? Now, it's time for the lunch time and we all three guys sat on the lunch table, waiting for Soojin and Mia to come.

I was busy scrolling on my phone when I heard some murmurs around in the cafeteria. I turned my head towards them and I noticed that some of their attention was on the entrance door.

I glanced at the door and noticed that Soojin and Mia were coming in the cafeteria, busy with their talks while all the attention they had got unnoticed by them. I also noticed that Soojin was wearing a bit short skirt and I understood why she was being the center of attraction.

- Soojin looks so hot today.

-Yeah. I didn't notice that she was so beautiful and sexy.

- The short skirt she is wearing is too sexy for her.

-And her legs. I wish I get such a sexy girlfriend.

My blood boiled when I heard all their faint murmurs and how they all were looking at her, with hungry eyes. I hold my phone tightly in my hand which I feared that it may break anytime in my grasp.

The both girls were both gossiping about something while they ignored all their comments. They both approached our table and were going to sit until I grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the cafeteria, leaving my other three friends confused.

Soojin's POV:

Taehyung grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the cafeteria. This act made me shocked but I didn't argue with him because he was looking very pissed from his facial expressions and I didn't wanna make him more angry. He pulled me towards the empty hallway and slammed me on the tiled wall, a bit roughly.

What is wrong with you?

He asked me, fuming in anger.

What happened, Taehyung?

I asked still not knowing the actual reason for his anger.

Do you have any idea of what are you wearing?

He asked me, both the  hands kept on my shoulder while looking straight into my eyes.


I said a bit confused.

Uniform huh? Then why are you wearing such a short skirt, which barely covers your mid thighs?

He asked me and now I understood the actual situation. If I am thinking right........ Is he perhaps jealous? The thought that he was jealous and protective over me made me feel very delighted.

I didn't have any other pair of uniform as all of them were in the laundry basket. I don't wanna miss the classes. So, I didn't have any other option but to wear my spare short skirt.

I said truthfully, pouting slightly at the end. He also loosened his grip on my shoulders which meant that he has calm down.

But why are being you affected if I'm wearing short skirt. I can wear whatever I want to. Also, what is wrong with me wearing short skirt?

I asked him too many questions for his liking, and I think I regret it a bit in my mind. After listening me, he slammed his left hand on the wall and leaned towards me, making my breath hitched.

I'm just being protective as a friend. I can't sit still knowing that all the pervert boys are staring at you with those hungry eyes, literally undressing you with their eyes.

He said with his angry, cold voice. I got a little bit scared of him. But I wanted to know why he was acting all angry?

Are you jealous?

I smirked a bit at my question and was waiting for his answer. He leaned towards my right ear, whispering something.

And what if I am?

His answer made me jungshook. I didn't expect this answer from him.

My blood boils from the thought that all the boys were imagining you in their bed. I can't stand the sight that they were looking at you with a hungry gaze, probably eye-raping you. And yes. I am jealous.

But why are you jealous? It's not like I'm  your girlfriend or something.

I said as a matter of fact. He stayed silent for a second before whispering.

I don't like it when others like what's mine.

He said which made me more confused but that fact didn't affected him. He stood straight, removing his jacket and tying it around my waist tightly.

Don't remove it. I don't want any of the boy looking at your legs......... Unless it's me.

He said whispering the last sentence near my lips. He pecked my cheek before retracting and went towards the cafeteria as if nothing happened.

On the other hand, I touched my cheek where he just pecked me. I would lie if I say I didn't like his touch on me. And the fact that he got protective over me makes me feel more secured and comfortable with him.

I looked down at his uniform coat which he tied around my waist. I don't know what I am thinking. It's just that I'm feeling very happy about this incident. I got to know and see his possessive side which he must be showing to very few people, including me.

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