Chapter 4: Project partner

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Soojin's POV:

Two weeks went very swiftly as I was getting more and more busy in my day to day schedule of school and home. The  teachers also started to notice my hardwork and appreciated me in the whole class. Soon I was very popular among the teachers and students due to my intelligence, kindness and willingness to help others.

Time skip:

Today, our teacher has announced about the project that we need to do for the internal marks and we will be assigned with partners. I don't have any problem as I can do it with anybody unless the another person is rude or arrogant. The teacher started taking random students name and assigned their partners. I was waiting for my name to be called and to know with whom I'm going to do the project. Almost all the students name was taken except me and I was still patiently waiting until the teacher announced

Soojin and Taehyung, wait in the class after the lecture ends.

I started thinking about what I did wrong and why I didn't get my partner? So I decided not to overthink and let's wait till the lecture ends. After the lecture, everybody went to the cafeteria but I and Taehyung stayed back as told by our teacher. We approached him and stood by his desk.

You both must be thinking why I didn't assigned your partners, right?

The teacher said as though he read our minds.

I have an important task for you Soojin and I hope you don't disappoint me.

The teacher said making me nervous.

I want you to partner with him for the upcoming project as you are one of the smart students and he has almost failed all the subjects in the previous tests.
He said making us both shocked by his sudden decision. Before I could even react, Taehyung opposed.

I don't need any partner for the project. I can handle it on my own.

He said arrogantly while glaring at me.

I didn't ask for your permission. I'm saying my decision and that's final.

But sir, he doesn't even talk to me properly and he is always so cold towards everyone. I don't think he will co-operate with me in this project.

I said not liking the idea to do the project with him a bit.

Soojin...I can understand but please help him with this project. I will give you extra marks for teaming  with him which can benefit not only you but also him.

The teacher said making me leave a huge sigh. I don't think I have any option left and I need to do that for gaining extra marks just by helping him. So....

Okay sir. I will help him.

I said nervously. While I took a glance at him, I noticed that this whole time he was just standing there mindlessly as if this wasn't important for him.

And you.. Taehyung. I hope that you co-operate with her well and score good marks for the internals.

He didn't even take an effort to say anything to him and just left the classroom. I still looked at the teacher nervously...

Soojin we need to help him even if he is not attentive in the class. A teacher can't just leave a student behind because of his rude behaviour towards the others. All the best for your project.....I hope you do your best like everytime.

The teacher said encouraging me.

Thank you sir. I will do my best.

I said before bowing him once again  to leave the classroom.

At the cafeteria:

I was wondering how can I finish the project with that Taehyung guy if he doesn't even spare a glance at me. I spotted him at a table sitting with his friends. So I went upto him.

Hello. I need to talk to Taehyung for a bit.

I said gaining their attention. At that time, not only those three but all the pairs of eyes present in the cafeteria were diverted to me making me feel more uncomfortable.

What do you need to talk to him? You can say that now. He is listening.

A guy named Jimin interfered in between to humiliate me.

Taehyung , where should we do the project?

I asked him directly not caring about the shocked reactions of the others as well as his friends.

As I told earlier I'm not interested to do the project with anyone. So leave me alone.

He said glaring at me.

Taehyung, are you seriously going to do that project? From when did you became so serious about the studies?

Another guy, Jungkook said with a shocked face.

I don't want to do the project but that teacher assigned her as my partner to help me get good marks in the internals.

He replied getting annoyed with the situation he was as in.

I also don't want to do that project with you either. But I have to do it for getting good marks. So please co-operate with me. I also want to finish this as soon as possible.

I said explaining my condition to him.

Once we complete the project we don't need to be in a team anymore and you can also get rid of me.

I said hoping to convince him or my chance of getting good marks goes in vain.

Okay.....But you will never meet me again once this project is submitted, understood?

He asked me to which I nodded almost immediately.

Give me your number. Come at my house at 6 pm. Alright?

He asked and I gave him my number.

See you at my house then.

With that he left the cafeteria with his friends. I hope this project goes well with him. I thought staring at his back.

Taehyung' s POV:

Are you seriously going to do the project with her?

Jimin asked me shocked by my answer.

Yes. It's just a matter of few days then it's over.

I  confirm him.

But still... this is so unusual of you to study that too taking part in a project.

I agree with him.

It will be my first and last project done by me.

I reassured him.

But I must say...she is beautiful plus she is so intelligent.

Jungkook praises her.

It's not true though.

I opposed his statement.

But still somewhere deep in his heart, I agreed with him. She is very different from the other girls he had met till now. Stop Taehyung! What are you thinking? All girls are the same......but is she?

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