Chapter 22: The Vacation

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Soojin's POV :

Today is another great day as we are going for a one week vacation at Taehyung's farm house. I waked up early in the morning as I had to get ready and pack my bags as Taehyung and friends will be coming anytime to pick me up. I just wear a jeans and a hoodie with a sunglass that suited my style for a vacation. The car honk made me come out of my thoughts and indicated that they must be here. So, I carried my luggage, said my goodbyes to my parents and exited my house.

Hey. Good morning.

I said to them as Jungkook was driving and Jimin was seated in the passenger seat while Taehyung was sleeping in the back seat.

Good morning.

They both said together and they were looking very handsome in those casual clothes. Perfect boyfriend material.

And don't mind him for sleeping. He was awake last night, playing games.
So, he is resting now.

Oh, okay. No problem.

I said and kept my luggage in the car's boot. I sat with Taehyung in the back seat while he was sleeping. He was looking so cute, like a kid, resting his head on the window for support and snoring softly. After few minutes, we reached Mia's house and picked her.

She was also gonna seat beside me in the back seat but Jimin interrupted.

Soojin. Can you sit in the passenger seat? I'm feeling a bit sleepy and I wanna rest.

Jimin said to me faking his sleepiness. I knew that he just wants to sit beside Mia so I let him sit there. Mia was also blushing a little bit as she must have also got the hint. Jimin sat in between Taehyung and Mia as they were both on the windows side.

After few minutes, as I was listening to music in my headphones, I turned back in my seat to see that Jimin and Mia were talking to each other happily, Taehyung was still sleeping while Jungkook was too focused on driving.

Jimin. I thought you said you were tired and wanna sleep, huh?

I said and he just smiled while hiding his blushing cheeks.

I'm not feeling anymore tired. So, I changed my mind.

He said while scratching the back of his neck nervously while I just laughed at his gesture. I continued listening to my music in the headphones while observing the nature outside the window.

Taehyung's POV :

I woke after an hour of sleep and I feel refreshed as I didn't sleep that well the last night. I played games till midnight which caused in lack of my sleep but I am refreshed now.

How much more time is required to reach there?

I asked to Jungkook who was driving but I guess I scared everyone by my sudden surprising voice. I glanced at Soojin as she was holding her hand near heart as she might have a got a shock from me. I chuckled seeing her cute shocked face.

Within an hour, at least.

Jungkook said making me nod at him. I didn't sleep after that and continued to gaze at the natural sceneries passing by the window. I also looked at my left as these both were continuously chatting and laughing together. Just date already! I said in my mind.

I also heard a small laugh from Soojin making me look at her through the rear view mirror. She was looking so beautiful while laughing. But I also got jealous that I was not the reason she was smiling. But I shrugged it off.

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