Chapter 28: A Distraction

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Soojin's POV :

I had my dinner with my parents as they already knew that I was hanging out with my friend. Now, I was tossing and turning on my bed, being unable to sleep. My mind is full of those moments in the amusement park and obviously, Taehyung.

It surprises me why I'm being so attracted towards Taehyung while all he do is just simple gestures. I can't stop my heart from fluttering and my cheeks always turn pink whenever my skin gets touched by him, though unintentionally.

I try my best to remove those thoughts and sleep peacefully as I have school next day. On top of that, exams are gonna held soon.

Next day :

In the class :

Class! Note down this points. This are very important and make sure to  revise them.

The teacher said making us all nod at her while we started writing the points. That's when a student asked her a doubt about a specific topic.

Oh no! I forgot your journals in the library.

The teacher exclaimed making us all students look at her.

Soojin, can you please bring the journals from the library? I have kept it at the upper shelf.

The teacher said making me nod at her words.

Take someone with you for help.

She started to pick a student for helping me when her eyes landed on the guy sitting on the last bench.

Taehyung! Go and help her bring the journals from library. It's better for you to help her than sleep in the class.

She said making us all students laugh at him while he just rolled his eyes in annoyance. He followed me silently. I reached the library and look for the top most shelf where she kept our journals.

Ahh! Why did she have to keep those journals up so high there.

I said whining while Taehyung just chuckled at me.

Because the lower shelves are filled with other books, dumbo.

Taehyung, try to reach your hand out there.

I said while he stood on his tiptoes to reach for the journals

They are bundle of journals. My single hand cannot manage their weight. All the journals might  fall down and tear some pages.

No! These journals are very important for our exams.

I said looking here and there to find a way. That's when I found a ladder near the other shelf. I took the ladder and make it lean against the ladder to climb up.

Wait! I'll climb and you just hold it.

No. This ladder looks very weak. It cannot handle your weight. I'll climb it and give you journals, okay!

He nodded. I climbed the ladder while he firmly gripped the ladder. I took out the first bundle of journals and handed to him. He took them and placed it on a nearby table.

The next bundle was big than earlier so when I handed them to him, he carried them by both of his hands to keep them on the table. But the ladder couldn't manage my weight I think and it started to shake a bit making me more frightened.

I tried to get down from the ladder quickly but the clumsy I am, my foot slipped from the ladder making me fall backwards. I closed my eyes in fear of landing on the ground on my back.

But a pair of strong hands saved me in time from falling down on the ground straight. I opened my eyes slowly to look directly in his dark eyes, making me lost in his gaze.

He had hold me in bridal style, making me more nervous about the situation we are in. He placed me down carefully and I straightened my uniform a bit while he cleared his throat.

Are you alright?

Y-Yes. Thanks to you.

I said stuttering a bit.

We should get going. The teacher must be waiting for us.

I said to remove the awkwardness of the situation and he nodded. We both shared the bundle of journals and entered the class. The teacher distributed our respective journals and gave us other notes.

Time skip :

A month passed by swiftly and our exams also concluded last week. Honestly, this exams were a bit tough for me. I studied my best for the exams but I lacked in some topics making me more nervous about the results.

Time skip :

Today is the day when everyone will get their results and the thought of me  scoring less marks always scares me. The teacher is giving our report card one by one and finally she called my name.

Lee Soojin.

I got up from my seat and went towards her desk in full nervousness. She glances at me and my marks one time before saying

Meet me after the class.

I got confused by her words but eventually nodded. She gave me my report card and as soon as I looked at my marks they gave me a lump in my throat.

I always scored A grade in all my exams. Never once I got a B grade. But now, I got that B grade for the first time in my life. I'm feeling so ashamed of myself right now.

The whole lecture passed by me in full of my world of thoughts. The bell rang signaling me that the lunch break started but I have to meet my  teacher before.

Soojin, what is going on with you?

The teacher asked me softly while I hanged my head down in shame.

Is there anything which is distracting you away from your studies?

She asked while I shook my head as no.

Then how did you got B grade in your exams. You are so intelligent and passionate about your dreams. Then why are you suddenly neglecting your studies?

She asked me questions which I don't have answers.

I think Taehyung and his friends are being a distraction for you.


I looked at her confused.

Nowadays, you have become really good friends with them. They must be really very good friends of you. But the point where they affect your studies is a problem.

She said while I was just lost in my thoughts.

See. I'm not telling you to break your friendship but learn how to manage your studies without getting distracted, okay?

I nodded. She really explained me well how both the friends and studies are equally important.

I said my 'thanks' for her kind words. I made my way to the rooftop to gain some privacy and alone time. But my thoughts were full of confusion and anxiety about my actions. How can I let someone distract me from my studies?

My parents are really working hard for me to get proper education and all the facilities. But what I am doing? I'm just being a disappointment to them.

I'm feeling really ashamed of myself for neglecting my studies and indirectly my dreams. I was lost in my thoughts to even notice that tears rolled down my face.

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