Chapter 33: What Are We?

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Taehyung's POV :

I parked my car hastily in front of the hospital. I ran towards the receptionist asking for the room number.

The car accident case? Which room is it?

I couldn't even decipher words after panting so much.

Room no. 56. Right from this hallway.

We all made our way towards the room. When we arrived there, I got the biggest relief in my life. She was talking to a small kid, sitting on the bench, giggling softly.

She noticed me and her face showed confusion. She stood up to ask me questions but I immediately hugged her tightly. I put my head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent. She was so shocked by my action but she eventually did hugged me back.

We both hugged each other for a minute and pulled back from the embrace. I kept my hands on her shoulder, examining her face if she got some bruises. Fortunately, she was alright.

Are you alright, Soojin? You literally scared us to death.

We came all the way here breaking the traffic rules.

They both described the situation we were in few minutes ago. But now, it's relief. I was staring at her and she also looked confused by my arrival. I grabbed her hand and led her to the rooftop of the hospital.

Soojin's POV:

I was talking to the kid as he seems a bit relieved now that his father is not serious but is just undergoing some treatment. That's when I noticed that Taehyung came running from the hallway and he panted as if he ran a lot.

He hugged me tightly out of nowhere making me shocked but I also hugged him back. After we both pulled back, Jimin and Jungkook explained how they came till here but I didn't pay any attention to them. My all attention was on Taehyung. He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him to make our way to the rooftop.

When we arrived at the rooftop, he slammed open the door and pinned me to the nearest wall. I was in utter shock due to his actions but his next action shocked me more.

He crashed his lips on mine and kissed me deeply. He grabbed my waist, making our bodies touch each other. His one hand was placed on my waist tightly while his other hand was on the nape of my neck. I was still in utter shock to kiss him back.

He kept kissing me passionately while he expressed all his emotions through the kiss. I also kissed him back slowly and his grip loosened a bit on my waist. We both kissed each other passionately as we missed each other a lot in these few days.

After we ran out of breath, we pulled out and we stick our foreheads with each other. We gazed in each other's eyes deeply and didn't utter a single word.

Do you know how much worried I was? For a moment, I thought that I lost you. I couldn't think straight when I drove here. Now, I'm feeling a bit relieved.

He said staring deeply in my eyes.

Why were you worried about me?

I asked him, still in his embrace.

Because I-I..

I what?

I asked him again, hoping that now he will state his true feelings.

Because I care for you. You are my friend after all.

He said crashing down all my hopes. His words stabbed my heart but I just smiled sadly.

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