Chapter 18: All The Best

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Soojin's POV :

Today, the matches of NFC will begin and only the best two teams will qualify for the finals. The captain of the winner team in the final will also be given the 'Best Football Player' award from the National Sports Club.
I wake up early in the morning, got ready and reached the university ground at 8 pm. Mia was waiting for me near the gate. She saw me and waved at me.

We both were talking about the NFC when Jimin and Jungkook also joined us in the campus.

Hey! Guys.

We all greeted each other and we all were in a cheerful mood.

Where is Taehyung?

I asked them both as Jungkook was alone.

Taehyung always comes first in the morning and gets ready for the match in the locker room.

Jimin said.

He must be very nervous, right?

No.. I mean every player gets a bit nervous before the match but  relaxes when he is on the ground. Same goes for Taehyung.

Jungkook answered as a matter of fact.

Then let's meet him and wish him a good luck.

Mia said cheerfully.

OK. Let's go.

Jungkook said and led us to the way towards the locker room. But I already know the way as I came here before too. I can still remember that day which always makes my heart flutter. I didn't realize that I was smiling to myself.

When we entered the locker room, there were just a few players as it was still a bit early. Taehyung was getting a bit warmed up by doing push-ups and stretching a bit. He looks so hot while exercising. Aish! Behave yourself. I scolded myself.

Hey, Taehyung.

We all greeted him. He looked at us and gave all of us a small smile.

Are you all ready for the match?

Jimin asked.

Hey. It's just the start today. Finals are in the next week.

Mia said making him blush slightly.

By the way, all the very best Taehyung. We all know that you are the best.

Mia said making him smile at her. Truly speaking, I got a bit jealous of her but she didn't do anything wrong. She just wished him good luck like everyone else.

Yeah, bro. Rock on the field.

Jimin said making his eye-smile, cheering in his different way.

Yahh! He is going to play on the field, not dancing and singing.

She again scolded him, making his smile brighter. Then, we noticed that the other players had also came in the  room and we need to go out, as it still was a boys locker room.

We should get going as they still need to get ready for the match.

Jimin said making us agree but I still hadn't wish 'Goodluck' to Taehyung. So, I decided to wait as Jimin and Mia exited the room and Jungkook went to change his clothes. Taehyung was looking at me, waiting for me to say something.

All the best.

I said to him and directed my hand towards him for a handshake. He gladly shook my hand with a brighter smile. He also mouthed a small 'thank you' to me, making my heart beat faster.

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