Chapter 9: Lunch Break

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At the school:

So, class! Is everyone ready with their respective projects?

The teacher asked us.


Everyone said aloud.

Now, you all are gonna show me the project roll number wise. Understood!

Yes, sir.

After few projects, it was time for my and Taehyung's project to be presented. Mia gave me a good luck whereas all the girls started cheering for Taehyung as some of them were also glaring at me because they were jealous.

Me and Taehyung took our laptop, started the slideshow on the projector and started the presentation where we were explaining our project to everybody in the class. I must say, Taehyung was very confident while his part of explanation. He is really good at everything he does. The teacher was also very proud of us both. The whole class gave us a round of applause for our presentation.

Very good, both of you. I'm proud of you both. I expected this from you, Soojin.

Thank you, sir. But Taehyung also helped me a lot in this project. He worked harder than me on this project. So, all the credit goes to him.

I stated truly.

Oh! Is it? Then I'm really proud of you Taehyung. Keep it up.

He praised him while just bowed to show his gratitude.

Mia gave me big side-hug when I came on my sit beside her. I looked at Taehyung once again to look for his reaction, but he still had that poker face though Jimin and Jungkook had wide smiles and congratulating him. They also looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled at them and mouthed a thank you.

At the lockers:

Soojin, I'm so proud of you. You literally made the project with that cold guy! I can't believe it.

She said exaggerating.

No. It was not that difficult to co-operate with him. In fact, there will be no lie when I say he took more efforts than me in this project. So, the credit goes to him.

Really! That's good.

At the cafeteria:

We both were searching for an empty table but couldn't find any so we were going outside until Jungkook raised his hand, gaining my attention and gesturing us both to come and sit on their table.


I said smiling and also noticed that Taehyung isn't present here.

Oh! You came. Come sit with us.

I hesitated at first because all the girls, being jealous were glaring at me.

I don't think it's a good idea. All the girls are giving a scary look to us and gossiping about us.

Don't mind them. Just ignore them as we do.

Jungkook said.

I looked at Mia to ask her but she nodded smiling so I didn't mind.

By the way, the project was excellent. You both really worked hard for the project, huh?


What is your name?

Jimin asked Mia.

Choi Mia.

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