Chapter 39: Love Making

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Soojin's POV :

Time passes really fast. It seems like yesterday he asked to be his girlfriend. But it has been now three months that we have been dating. We both have maintained the balance in our relationship.

Sometimes, even if there are some problems we discuss it out like mature adults. This is the thing I love the most in our relationship. Unlike other couples, we have developed a bond of trust in between us which makes us look more like best friends rather than actual couple.

Taehyung is really possessive about me. But he allows me to hang out with my guy friends as well. Though there are some restrictions like not to wear short skirts, he must accompany me in every single party I attend to.

But our relationship is not toxic. Sometimes, I would also get jealous due to his fangirls but he finds this cute and adorable. He likes it when I get jealous and protective about him. In short, we are a couple just like BFFs who goofs around and prank each other.

Time skip:

Why don't you sleep over?

Taehyung asked me after our movie marathon ended. All day, we just cuddled at his house as he called me. But soon, it started raining and he grew worried that I might not be able to make it home safely.

Are you fine with it?

I asked unsure of his decision.

Yes. In fact, I'm happy that I get more time to spend with my girlfriend.

He said grinning. I informed my parents that I'll be staying over at his house to which they agreed, luckily.

You can take a shower. I'll give you some of my spare clothes. And a spare towel is present on the counter.


I listened to all his instructions and went to take a quick shower. When I came out of the bathroom wearing a spare bathrobe, I saw that he kept his spare clothes neatly folded on the edge of the bed. So, I wore them and they were really big for me. They smelled like him which I love alot. His t-shirt almost came till my midthighs.

Can I come in?

Taehyung asked after knocking on the door.

Yes. Come in.

I said and he opened it swiftly. He took a minute to observe me head to toe which made me blush.

This clothes look better on you.

He said complimenting me. He came closer towards me and pulled me in a  tight hug, making me hug him back immediately. He inhaled my scent as his head was crooked in my neck.

You smell so good.

He said while making us rock to and fro. He pulled back from his hug while still keeping his hands on my waist. Suddenly, he crashed his lips on mine but I kissed him back as I love his kisses.

But this kiss felt a bit different from usual. Normally, I would feel love from his kisses. But now, the kiss is a bit rough showing his..... lust? Soon, we both lied down on the bed, me under him while he was hovering above me.

We kept kissing each other like there's no tomorrow. He pulled back for a short second to remove his t-shirt. He again joined our lips together in a rough kiss. We both were enjoying our moment together.

His hand went under my loose t-shirt making me gasp from his sudden cold touch. That's when the sudden realization hit me. Are we really going to do 'it' now. Do we love each other...... Yes. Should we do it....... Yes. But am I ready to do it..........?

Taehyung wait.

I said making him stop his movements immediately.

What happened, dear?

He asked in confusion.

Are we really going to do 'it'?

Do you want us to take another step? Are you ready to do it?

He said caressing my cheek while I was thinking intently about my decision.

Tell me honestly.

He urged me to be his honest. So I shooked my head as 'no'.

I'm not ready to do it now. I want time to be comfortable.

I said in a low voice, thinking about how will he react. He kissed my forehead while he laid down next to me, hugging me from side. I got confused over his sudden change of mood.

Are you mad at me?

I asked slowly.

No. Why would I be?

He said shrugging his shoulders as if nothing happened.

Because I turned you down.

I said looking in his eyes deeply while searching my answers in his eyes.

Are you disappointed in me?

Not at all, dear. *pecks my forehead* Infact, I'm glad that you told me honestly about it otherwise we both would have regretted it tomorrow.

He said seriously.

Are you going to break up with me? Because I didn't allow you to do it?

I asked while he chuckled softly.

Never would I do such a mistake. I love you, not your body. I mean I love your body, too. But I am willing to wait for you to be comfortable with me.

He said pecking my cheeks this time.

I want our first time to be special. Not to be in the heat of the moment.

He said staring deeply in my eyes.

Thank you Taehyung. I really love you. Thank you for understanding my feelings and respecting my decision.

I said while I hugged him tightly.

I love you too, dear. And guess what......

He said making me look at him in confusion.

I don't mind if our first time is on our wedding night. It will be the most memorable day in my life.

He said playfully while I hit him playfully. Still, I hugged him tightly and closed my eyes in his embrace.

Do you really see your future with me?

I asked as I didn't expect him to be that serious that he even thought of our future.

I really love you, Soojin. You're not any other ordinary girl in my life. You're special for me. I'm feeling several emotions when I'm with you. I always look forward to spend time with you. I'm really looking forward to see our future together. I don't see my future without you.

He said genuinely which brought tears in my eyes.

Yahhh! Are you going to make me cry with your sweet and beautiful words?

I said looking at him with genuine love and admiration.

I said the truth, dear.

He said hugging me more tightly and pecking my forehead in between. I turned around making him face my back while he was spooning me. This really feels so warm and safe in his embrace.

He pulled the duvet over our bodies as we shared the same warmth. The rain pouring outside made the climate a bit cold and cuddling is the best way to gain warmth.

We soon ended in a deep slumber in each other's embrace.

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