Chapter 6: He is smart

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There was a comfortable silence as we both were too concentrated in our work until....

OH NO! How is this possible? I can't lose to him atleast.

Jungkook shouted all of a sudden making us both flinched.

Yess! Finally I defeated Jungkook in this game. Now you need to admit that I'm also a pro in this.

He smirked proudly.

During this whole time, I was glaring at them annoyed due to their disturbance while Taehyung just spared them a glance and continued his task as he is very familiar with this behaviour.

Can't you both just shut your mouth and let us do our work peacefully?

I asked them annoyed.

How dare you talk to us like that?

Jimin said arrogantly.

Then how do you want me to respond to your childish behaviour?

I asked sarcastically.

You are getting distracted so it's your fault, not ours. Improve your concentration on the work not on us.

Jungkook smirked playfully.

First of all, you both are doing your nonsense things here and disturbing us. While here we are doing something more important than your childish games. Wow! What an audacity!

I said angrily.

Hey! Don't you dare call our games childish. Do you know anything about this and how hard it is to play these games and win?

Jungkook exclaimed.

It must be very easy compare to the studies.

I stated the facts.

Okay then. We challenge you to play this game and defeat any one of us. Then we will agree with you. And if you lose, you will do our homework for  one whole week. Deal?

I have more important things rather than completing your childish challenges.

Accept the fact that you don't know how to play and you are confident that you will lose.

Jimin smirked.

Ohh please! As I  said, I'm busy now. I'll find some other day to defeat you.

I stated confidently.

Can you all please stop this bickering?

Taehyung asked annoyed by our silly argument.

She is telling my games are silly.

He exclaimed dramatically. I doubted for a minute that he is not a teenager.

He is disturbing us continuously and giving me silly challenges.

I also argued.

What are you all? A five year kid? Atleast act a bit mature. Jungkook and Jimin go upstairs and play. Come down when I call you.

He ordered them and to my surprise they immediately followed his statement.

Continue your work.

This time it was me  whom he ordered and I didn't want to get into an argument with him so I continued writing notes.

After 45 minutes:

I searched the topics for Geography and saved them in a draft. I have sent you the notes. Just write them and one subject is over.

He exclaimed.

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