Chapter 38: We Are Dating

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Soojin's POV :

You don't know?

He asked while I still shooked my head as 'no'. He turned me around slowly, still his hands on my waist while I lowered my gaze from him.

Look at me.

I looked at his once cold eyes which were now filled with only admiration and care for me. I can get drown in those loving eyes.

I know you more than you know yourself.

He said making me nervous that he could have guessed that I have feelings for him. But what if he rejects me?

I can see the love you have for me in those eyes. I see how you are always present for me in my difficult times. I also saw the jealousy you had when Yeri was flirting with me.

He said smiling proudly. But I just shut up my mouth, not knowing what to say. There was a clear chance that I would embarrass myself.

Do you like me? Let me rephrase that. I know you have feelings for me. Why don't you accept it?

He asked smugly.

Yes. I have feelings for you. I like you, Taehyung. What are you gonna do about it?

I said making me raise my voice a little.

What am I gonna do about it?

He said, more like asking to himself which made me more confused. He came closer to me and snaked his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. He started caressing my cheek while I just stood there shocked at his actions.

I'll do this.

He said before crashing his lips on mine. His lips were very soft, tasted like strawberry. He kissed me passionately which made me shocked. 

The realization hit me and I started to kiss him back. I myself didn't know what this kiss meant to him but I just wanted to cherish this moment.

I threw my hands around his neck pulling him closer to him while he also stick our bodies together. He slightly bit my lower lip, making me moan a bit. After we ran out of breath, we both pulled out and panted heavily. We still had our foreheads touch together.

What was that kiss for?

I asked still unsure.

I like you too, Dumbo.

He said pecking my lips again which made me blush.


I asked still hoping that its not a dream.


He said.

Does that mean we are dating?


But you hadn't asked me to be your girlfriend till now?

I said pouting slightly.

Ohh, is it? Then...... WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?

He asked shouting at the top his lungs.

Shhh. Yes. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend.

I said chuckling. Thank God! We are on an empty field otherwise what an embarrassment.


He yelled and hugged me tightly. He even lifted me from the ground slightly to twirl around which left me in awe at his amusement.

Finally, you're mine.......

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