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You looked out the window of the black limousine you were riding in.
"Silence, I expect you to be in your best behavior," you remembered Roger had told you the day before you left to help in the investigation.

"Congratulations, Silence," Near had told you before you exited Wammy's. A smile appeared on your face as you remembered that you also told Near to shut up. You were so mean sometimes lol.

The only good thing about this is that Roger gave you money to buy clothes to wear during the investigation. Roger wanted you to buy professional clothes, but the clothes you bought were everything but professional. You had met up with your friend Misa. You met her when you would sneak out of Wammy's during the night. She didn't know your name and you pretended you didn't know hers. But honestly, who wouldn't know who Misa Misa was? Her sunglasses didn't help her hide her identity but you pretended it did.
So when Roger gave you money, you and Misa went shopping.

"We're here, Ms." You were woken from your thoughts by the older man. You got off the limo and looked at the luxurious apartment complex in front of you.

"Does L live here?" You asked the man. But he ignored you, nobody answered your questions. Why? You didn't know, but you stayed quiet.

You felt like a pair of eyes as you walked out of the elevator and followed him to a room.

Once inside the room, you stopped in your tracks as you made eye contact with dark onyx eyes.

There was a man sitting on the couch facing the door. The man had very pale skin, eye bags so dark that it looked like he was wearing makeup, and black messy hair.

"Hello, Silence," his voice sent shivers down your spine. "I am L."

You stayed silent. You stared at the man sitting in a weird position in front of you. His knees up to his chest.
Your eyes travelled his body. His appearance. A white tee shirt and baggy jeans. He was barefoot too.
So this was L? This was the world's greatest detective? This is the man people back at Wammy's kill and kill themselves for? To work with this man.

But as you analyzed him, he analyzed you back. You watched his dark onyx eyes look you up and down. His index finger pressed against his lips as if thinking. Analyzing every detail of your appearance. Every detail of your body.

You quickly looked away feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"As Mr. Roger already explained, I will be needing of your assistance to help solve the Kira case. Failure to comply with my orders will lead to the extermination of your contract with me." L began talking. His eyes staring at you while your eyes travelled around the apartment. You rather looked anywhere and everywhere else but at the freak in front of you.

A contract with him, You thought. I don't remember signing anything. I don't even want to be here.

"How old are you, Silence?" He asked you.

"15," you lied. That wasn't your real age, but you were nothing but a liar. Or maybe it was, but you can't even be truthful to yourself . You didn't want to be here with him. You didn't want to be at Wammy's either. You wanted to be free.

"15? When I spoke to Roger-"

"Roger isn't a good person." You were still upset that you had to be here. They should of brought Near here or that other guy. You forgot the other guy's name lol.

"Not so silent are you?" You heard L mumbled. "Regardless, I am sure that this case will be solved with your help."

"What do I need to do?" You asked. You were good at everything. You were good for nothing.

"I have been investigating Kira for a while now, and after several trials and multiple deductions, I've come to a conclusion of who Kira might be," L spoke but your eyes were somewhere else. Looking at the room. It was so big, and the decorations were beautiful.

"Kira is Light Yagami, the chief's son. What I need you to do is befriend him. Get close to him, and report everything back to me."

Your eyes met with L's. Was this man serious?? He wanted you to get close to a potential murderer??! To risk your life.

You abruptly ended eye contact with L. So this was all you were to him. A tool? Every student at Wammy's were machines just in case L needed them. And after he was done with them, discard them. Because Wammy's student's lives don't matter. They don't matter to L. Not to Roger. If only those kids back at the orphanage knew they were only backup machines for one another, would they continue to kill and die for L?

"But don't worry, Silence. I can assure you that you will be under my supervision. I won't let anything happen to you."

You didn't look at him. Even if you did, you wouldn't know if he was being sincere. His face was blank and his voice was emotionless.

"You will introduce yourself as Sarah to the Kira task force. You will say that you are 18 years old, a college intern, and are passionate to help with the Kira task force. Gain Light Yagami's trust and let me know everything about him," L now stood in front of you. He was taller than you, even though he was slouching. His posture freaked you out, but your eyes were glued on the floor as you nodded silently.

"That's not my name or age" you began but then heard footsteps getting closer to the door.

"They're about to come," L went back to sitting on the couch and began eating cake.

You stood on the same spot you've been standing frozen in place. Who was coming? You didn't want to be here. Didn't want to work with L.

"Hi we're back from buying groceries!" A man walked in. His tone very cheerful.

"Light-kun hurry up!" Someone called out.

Your eyes analyzed the scene as more men entered the room. Everyone was talking and you struggled to know which voice belonged to who. That didn't matter right now, though. Kira was in the room.

"I would like everyone to introduce themselves to our new member," L spoke. He sounded and seemed disinterested in the situation. His attention was rather on the cake he was still eating.

You watched one by one introduce themselves until finally.

"Hello, I'm Light Yagami," a brunette young man introduced himself to you. Extending his hand to shake yours.
He's Kira.

You never liked physical contact but you disliked being in this situation even more.

You forced a content smile and shook Light Yagami's hand.

"Hello, Light and everyone. My name is Y/N" you said your real name on purpose as the smile didn't fade from your face. On purpose. You didn't want to be here. You didn't want to help. "I am 15 years old and I am L's niece."

You lied. You didn't follow the script. You didn't care. What was Kira going to do? Write down your name? You didn't even know your last name.

He's not Kira. Yandere! L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now