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You arrived at the apartment complex covered in rain and mud. Halfway before you arrived to the apartment, the rain started pouring. You didn't stop running though. Not even when you fell down multiple times and got mud all over you.

"I'm here Ryuzaki," you stuttered. Your eyes not daring to look at the man in front of you opening the door for you. However, you could feel his eyes on you. If looks could kill, his would have made love to you, and yours would have kill him.

"I see. You can go ahead and shower. I got new clothes for you. I wasn't a fan of your wardrobe," L said.

You didn't even dare to look up at him. You just nodded and walked to your room to shower, completely ignoring the looks the Kira Task Force members gave you.


After a hot shower and getting dressed you walked to your bed.
You almost jumped as you saw L sitting on your bed.

"What are you doing here, Ryuzaki?" You asked him. Your hand on your chest trying to calm down your racing heart.

His eyes looked you up and down. "The new wardrobe I got you really suits you," he commented tracing the clothing fabric softly.  However, he had put a small microphone on your clothes without you noticing. He wanted to keep an eye on you. Listen to your conversations with others. Listen to the tone of voice you use with others and compare it to the tone you use with him. You will love him someday. He was sure of that.

You didn't say anything or noticed. In fact, you were upset that he was
choosing your clothes for you. The clothes L bought you wasn't ugly but it wasn't your style. The clothes he bought you was more comfortable/ professional clothes. But you liked the clothes you chose with Misa better.

You watched in silence L walk out of your room and close the door behind him. After seconds you joined the others in the living room.

On your way to the restroom you felt an arm pulled you into an empty room.
Your eyes struggled to adjust into the darkness until you met with brown eyes.

"Light-kun," you whispered.

"Y/N," he whispered back. His hand tracing your face. "Y/N, please we need to talk about what happened in the cafe."

Your memories went straight to the alleyway. All the threats L told you. How in detail the detective went as to how he could ruin your life.

"You and Misa," You began.

"No, Y/N. I don't love Misa. She means nothing to me," Light I interrupted you. His warm hands on yours. Holding them. Never wanting to let go go. "Misa means nothing to me. It's you that I want."

"But you lied to me," and you were hurt. This whole time you never imagined Light Yagami would be a liar. He was flirting with you, yet he was dating pop sensation Misa Misa. Only a liar would hide that information. "You're nothing but a liar."

"Please don't say this. I will tell you everything," Light was willing to tell you about the Death Note. But not here. Alone. Two towns away in the apartment you two would buy. "We just gotta run away-"

And you took your hands away from his. "I can't." You remembered L's threats. You couldn't because you would end up dead. L would ruin you.


"No Light . It's over," You simply stated.

"You can't break up with me," Light said. He sounded so heartbroken.

"We weren't even going out," you mumbled as you exited the room. Walking away from him. Tears escaping your eyes but you quickly cleaned them. You wanted to leave with Light but he was a liar. You wanted to leave with Light but you were afraid of L.

Author's Note
Chapter 18 woot woot!

He's not Kira. Yandere! L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now