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L watched Misa and Matt walk inside the room. To his surprised, Matt seemed relaxed as always and didn't seem to be using force on Misa while Misa seemed scared out of her mind. Misa's once blonde hair was stained with a reddish color from the right side, along with her hands and clothing.

Is that blood, L wondered. Where is Y/N?
Then L began to feel nervous and worried for you. Misa was obviously covered in blood, but Mello and you were nowhere in sight. He began to imagine the worse.

Suddenly his racing thoughts stopped as you and Mello walked into the room.

You were covered in dry blood. From your hair, face, arms and both you and Mello seemed to have been crying.
L's eyes travelled down and he noticed Mello was holding your hand. As soon as Mello caught L looking at him interlocking his fingers with yours, Mello let go. Even took a step away from you.
However, you didn't care. You were numbed. Betrayed. Someone you cared about just got killed in front of you, and it was all your fault for slowing him down.

"Where is Kira?" L asked expecting Light Yagami to walk in at any moment and began to try to manipulate the situation. He also expected Matt and Mello to confess that Kira got away.

"He's dead," Mello said and L was glad he was sitting down.

"How did this happen?" L asked confused.

"Well you said you didn't care if he was dead or alive," Matt awkwardly smiled. "And that I would get my reward no matter what." Now Matt put his arm around Misa who seemed scared out of her mind that L would put her in a jail cell.

L's eyes widened for a second but he quickly regained his composure. He didn't expect his successors to kill Kira.

"I took the freedom to record Light Yagami confessing to us that he was Kira. The audio is in my laptop," Mello quickly said hoping L didn't get mad at his only friend for killing Kira. 
Because it was Matt who shot Light, right? Mello couldn't remember if it was him or Matt who pulled the triggered, and Mello wanted to die not knowing. The next L successor couldn't be a murderer.....Mello was the next successor.

"No need. Silence already recorded everything with a hidden mic," L responded and all eyes were suddenly on you. "Did anyone confess to be Kira's accomplice?"

There was silence and Mello and Matt turned to look at each other.

"When Kira confessed there was no reaction from Misa Amane or from Silence," Mello confessed.

"I already talked to Misa, though. She shows no sign of being Kira or his accomplice," Matt quickly said. Defending his girl.

"I suspect Silence didn't know until Light confessed. We were raised at Wammy's with the same values and goals for justice. She wouldn't-"

"I understand Mello and Matt." L interrupted Mello. "You're free to leave."

Matt began to walk away still holding Misa. "You see? I told you I would protect you, princess," you heard Matt whisper to Misa.

Mello began to take you along with them until L spoke. "Being the next world's greatest detective requires full dedication. The idea of love and friendships are only a distraction."

Matt just shrugged at L's words. He knew he could be first in law and even beat Near and Mello if he wanted. But he didn't. Matt didn't even like the idea of being a successor. He was just chilling since his parents got killed and he got sent to that awful orphanage for gifted children. Video games were his only escape and comfort. And now that Matt found his perfect girl, Misa Misa, he would do anything and everything in his power to make her fall in love with him and be happy for once. Matt didn't give a damn about L and the title of the world's greatest detective.

On the other hand, Mello did care. A little too much to be honest. He dedicated his whole life and years at Wammys trying to be the best and trying to beat Near. But he could never. Not 100% that is. And when Matt and Mello got involved with the problem you had with L, L himself kicked them out of Wammy's.
Being kicked out of Wammy's made Mello want to kill himself and kill L. Went as far as side with Kira in order to defeat L. But when L went to look for him, and offered to give Mello a chance if Mello made Light confessed, Mello realized he still cared. Mello still wanted to be the next L. He wanted to be number one. And although Mello felt horrible for the pain you were caused due to Light Yagami's death, his selfishness consumed him. He wished that sicko, L, wasn't so interested in you. If L wasn't interested in you, Mello would of gladly taken you with him, Matt, and Misa.

Author's Note
Haven't posted in a while but new chapter woot woot!

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