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You talked to Matsuda and Light for hours.

Lying about your life.
That you were L's niece and you came here to visit. It was a temporary visit.

You mentally hoped to leave soon. You didn't care about the Kira case, you hoped everyone could have figured that out by now.

You kept talking to Matsuda and Light completely ignoring the script L had given you.
Using your real name. What's the worse that could happen? Kira writing down your name? He didn't know your last name. You didn't even know your last name.

However, you knew that once everyone left, you would have problems with L. You could see that weirdo staring at you through the corner of his eye . Even when you had turned and given him your back, you could still feel his eyes. Burning holes in the back of your skull.

You also hope that L would tell Mr. Roger about your disobedient behavior and cancelled his plan with you. You didn't want to help. Not L or anyone. Okay maybe someone, but not L.
He wasn't anything like you'd imagined him to be. In fact, you imagined a middle aged, respectful gentleman with graying hair and a serious yet welcoming persona.
Not a weirdo. But then again, everyone who comes from Wammy's school is such a weirdo.

As the rest of the day progressed, the members of the Kira task force started to leave. This upset you because you wanted to keep talking to Light and Matsuda. Especially, Matsuda. He was so funny without even trying. Or maybe you were just making fun of him.

"Okay L. My son and I will be leaving," Mr. Soichiro Yagami, Light's father, said as the sun started to set.

You and Light made eye contact and you quickly stepped out of the room they were all in.

Light walked the lonely evening streets alone. Well not alone. Ryuk was right next to him looking for entertainment.
Light walked without his father. His father had told him they were leaving already, but decided to stay and talk to L a bit longer. Talk to L alone.

His father didn't want Light to hear his conversation with L, so he asked Light to go home. Didn't want him to hear the conversation about him.

"Hey Light-kun isn't that Y/N?" Ryuk asked as he spotted you walking around the streets.

"Hey Y/N!" Light walked over to you and greeted you with a smile.

"H-Hi, Light-kun," you stuttered. You had talked to him and Matsuda all day today, but now that you two were alone....you were unnerved.
You were finally alone with the man L claimed to be Kira. And if L, the world's greatest detective, truly believes this....then.

"What are you doing here?" He interrupted your thoughts.

"I sneaked out of the apartment complex. I wanted to look around." Your eyes met with his dark brown ones. It made you internally scared. You wondered if Kira could smell your fear.

"I can show you around if you'd like," he said and you nodded. You were too scared to say no.

"So how is your visit going?" Light asked you.

"It's going very good," you smiled at him. He was very charismatic and handsome. You enjoyed his company. You enjoyed Matsuda's company too because he was so funny without even trying. You laughed at everything Matsuda said. Finally you were socializing with people who weren't weirdos like everyone back at Wammy's.

"I never knew L had a niece. He never spoke about you before," Light admitted.

"Yeah. Him and mom don't see each other often," you looked away as you smirked. The thought of referring to Mr. Roger as your "mom" made you internally laughed.

"Oh, does that mean you don't know your uncle very well?" Light tilted his head. Interest growing inside of him.

You rolled your eyes. But made eye contact with him again. A smile appearing on your face.

"You are correct!" Your blunt honesty surprised Light. He broke the eye contact to avoid revealing his true emotions through his eyes. But it was too late, you saw them. L saw them too. That's why you were here. And for what? If L already knows this man is Kira.

Light internally stopped himself from laughing. Manipulating the young girl in front of him would be easier than what he imagined.

"Light-kun, I already told you that I won't help you. But this girl is not lying to you about her name," Ryuk told Light.

Light's eyes met with your eyes. You two talked for hours and Light couldn't help but wonder why L allowed his niece to visit. She was very honest and naive, and someone could take advantage of her immaturity. Kira could take advantage.


Both you and Light turned to the direction the voice was coming from.

"Dad! What are you doing here?" Light seemed shock and so were you.

"Y/N. You're here too. L has been looking all over for you. He didn't realize you left," Light's father seemed relief to have found you.

"Dad, it's okay. Y/N and I were just going for a walk. I'll walk her back to the apartment," Light quickly said before you could come up with a lie.

His dad approved and you and Light were on your way back to the apartment. A feeling of impending doomed with every step you took. You wondered if L would scold you for using your real name.

"I'll see you tomorrow Y/N," Light spoke as he pulled you into a hug.

You stood outside the apartment complex there frozen in place for a few seconds. It was rare to have physical contact at Wammy's School/Orphanage. In fact, physical contact was prohibited.
But you weren't at Wammy's school anymore. And you found yourself hugging Light back.
You didn't remember the last time you hugged a man. Maybe because you never did.

He pulled away but you could still smell his expensive cologne and could still feel his warmth even though he was now standing a few feet away from you.

He smiled at you and you awkwardly waved goodbye at him. Goodbye at Kira. If this man was Kira, then there would be a problem.

By instinct, you looked up at the 4 story luxurious apartment complex. It looked scary now that it was night. Your eyes suddenly landed on a window. For a split second, you thought you saw a shadow looking out the window. However, that shadow quickly closed the curtains.

Was L spying on you?

He's not Kira. Yandere! L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now