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The next morning, L made eye contact with you when you entered the kitchen.

"Good morning L," you smiled at him, and he could tell it was a sincere smile. However, he could also notice the dark eye bags under your eyes due to staying up all night crying over Light-kun. L knew that because he watched you all night through the hidden camera.

"Good morning, Ms. Y/N. How did you sleep," he knew you hardly slept, but found it amusing to ask you anyways. Oh how things changed.

You looked at L a bit shock. It was weird that he referred to you using your real name. He never did. At least not when you two were alone.
You thought you saw L smirk a bit at your reaction. Like if he liked it. But you weren't sure. You were sleep deprived.

"Please sit down, Y/N," L gestured you to sit on the chair next to him.

You did and watched him eat cake while you were heartbroken.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like some cake?" L offered you as he noticed you were looking at him.

You shook your head no.

"How did you sleep, Ms. Y/N?" L asked again and noticed your body posture become tense again as he called you by your real name again and not your Wammy's alias.

"Good and you L?" You politely responded to him. You were grateful to him. You owed him your life. If it weren't for him, you would be in jail.

"Not so good." L began his emotional manipulation. "I am actually very upset." But he wasn't. He was happy because everything was going according to plan.

You made eye contact with the detective. L upset?
"Why? What's wrong?" You couldn't help but asked him.

"I still can't believe that Light-kun lied to all of us. He lied to me. He said I was his friend." L knew that you were rebellious, but you still had a good heart. And people with good hearts could get manipulated easily.

You looked down at the table feeling vulnerable. "I can't believe it either, L," you admitted. For once, you enjoyed having a conversation with L. It was nice to know you weren't mourning Light-kun alone. Or the person you've thought Light was.

L saw you getting lost in thought. Thinking too much about it. Looking for an explanation.
L didn't want you to think too much about it, though. You were a Wammy's student and everyone who was a Wammy's student was brilliant and had a 96% chance of being equal or surpassing L. If you thought about it too much.....L knew you would figure it out. Figure out that L planned and manipulated everything to have a conversation with you. To get close to you. To have you here with him again.

L began to fake sob. Crying was something that could distract you.
He watched you out of the corner of his eye quickly turned to look at him but he avoided eye contact. It's harder to fake tears.

"It's okay L," he felt you touch his hand again as an attempt to comfort him. But this time you kept the contact for longer. "There must be an explanation for all of this."

And throughout the day, L noticed you were such a good girl. You didn't disobey him.

His paranoia of giving you his back for a few seconds, and realizing you were gone when he looked back at you slowly faded away.
Because now you didn't have Light Yagami to run off with.
Your attention was fully on L.

And throughout the discussion of the Kira case with the Kira Task Force members, L and you would make eye contact. And you would smile at him. A real smile, not a force one.

And every time your eyes met with L's, he felt something in his stomach. So he had to look away after a few seconds because L was afraid his monotone expression would change and you would notice. You would notice the sick feelings he felt for you.

And L wondered if this is how Light Yagami had felt every time he walked into this room and you were all over him.

L wished Light Yagami would never return. And if he ever did, L would kill him. He had decided that.

"Ryuzaki." Matsuda's voice woke L from his thoughts.

L's eyes travelled from the clock displaying 9:35 pm to Matsuda.

"Yes Matsuda?" L asked.

"I think we should let Y/N know what really happened with Light-kun. She is so heartbroken thinking Light-kun is Kira when he is not."

L turned to look at you. You were sitting on a chair being lost in your thoughts.

"Plus, Light-kun is not Kira. It's been two full days and Kira has continued killing while Light is locked up under 24/7 supervision." Matsuda continued. He was worried about you. You seemed so sad thinking that Light was Kira. Matsuda didn't like going along with L's lie and lying to you.

"Matsuda, would you like to get fired?" L asked him.

"W-What...no." Matsuda nervously replied.

"Then I suggest that you keep your thoughts to yourself and if Y/N asks you anything you stick to the script I gave you," L told him in a calm voice.

Matsuda quickly nodded his head and went back to work.

L couldn't help but look your way again. For the 40th time today. He kept trying to convince himself not to. That he could admire you all night through the camera he secretly installed inside the room you were staying in. But he couldn't help looking at you.

L wanted to know everything about you. All your habits. The expression in your face when you were lost in thought; day dreaming, thinking, the way you chew your food, your breathing pattern, the way you turned your chair and gave your back to people at a certain hour of the day.
And the way you laughed.
L hadn't seen you laughed once since Light Yagami's presence was gone. He envied Light for making you happy so easily.

L's dark eyes met with yours. He quickly looked back at the computer screen and continued typing as he saw Matsuda and you standing in the corner of a room talking. The scene and the atmosphere of the room was similar to that of a funeral. You were mourning Light Yagami, L knew that.

"He keeps looking at me. What a weirdo," L could of sworn he heard you whisper that to Matsuda.

"There is a 15% chance I can make you fall in love with me, Y/N." L mumbled to himself. Whispered to no one.

He's not Kira. Yandere! L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now