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The next morning, as soon as 8AM hit the clock, you found yourself putting all of your belongings in a backpack that you had. You were ready to run away.

"How could I have been so blind," you mumbled to yourself. Angry that you've been lied and manipulated by the world's greatest detective. "Taking me out of the investigation and then calling the police on me. But no, I talked to Roger. He said everything was okay. L was even able to get my belongings from Wammy's. But then again, why would Mello and Matt say that I was missing and that everyone thought I might had been murdered."

You got goosebumps just by thinking about it.
You put your backpack on full of your belongings and began to head out of your room. Suddenly you heard mumbling. You could make out L's voice talking to someone else.

You were so scared but your forced yourself to continue walking. Your iPhone vibrated again.
This time it was really Light-kun messaging you. He had been messaging you through his dad's phone since last night. He even face time you to confirm it was really him. You found that so cute and embarrassing. You could imagine Light asking Mr. Soichiro Yagami to lend him his phone to text you.

"Y/N." You heard L call your name before you reached the front door.

"Good morning, Ryuzaki. How did you sleep?" You forced a smile again.

L tried to give you a blank stare, yet he hated this situation. There you went again with your fake smiles, your sarcastic questions, and calling him Ryuzaki instead of L. He couldn't understand why you didn't understand that he wanted you to refer to him as L. You were special.

"I slept good," he lied. But in reality, he stayed up all night watching you face time on the phone with Light-kun. And when you went to sleep, L couldn't because of how angry he felt. Strong emotions he hadn't felt in a long time.

His eyes then looked you up and down. The revealing yet fashionable clothes you were wearing, and the backpack you were carrying.
"Where are you going?"

"Oh. Just jogging." You replied simply. A fake smile plastered on your face. L hated your fake smiles. He also hated the fact that you didn't even try to come up with a more believable lie.

"Be careful," L told you. "I wouldn't want to see your face in a missing person flyer." The last part sounded borderline threatening.

"Then don't allow that to happen," you felt more confident rudely talking back to L knowing that Matsuda was there too.

"I like jogging in the mornings too. Sometimes I like wearing a suit," Matsuda innocently commented not realizing the tension that was arising between you and L.

You laughed at what Matsuda said and left the apartment complex. Matsuda was so funny.


You ran all the way until you reached the coffee shop you were meeting Light-kun in.

"Y/N!" Light was waiting for you outside of the shop. He looked relief now that he saw you. "I thought you weren't going to come."

"I came running. I told L I was going to go for a jog, but I brought all my stuff. I'm ready to run away," you said catching your breath.

"My stuff is back at home. I couldn't bring it with me because my dad was still there. I didn't want him to know we were running away," Light said. If his father had known, he wouldn't have allowed Light out of the house. With Light being the number one Kira suspect, him running away would only arise suspicion, according to Mr. Soichiro Yagami.

"So are you really going to run away to stay away from L? Boring!" Ryuk told Light.

"Shut up," Light mumbled. He was getting annoyed at Ryuk's unnecessary comments.

"Huh? I didn't say anything," you looked at Light confused.

"Oh I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to.....no one," Light said and Ryuk started laughing. "Let's go inside and get something to eat."

You nodded and both entered the small coffee shop. You two sat on a booth next to each other  and looked at the menu getting reading to order.

"I have about $2,000 on cash. We can move two towns down and start looking for apartments," Light began analyzing how he would be able to survive without his father's credit cards.

You nodded and began doing the math as you two waited for the food You guys just ordered. You were scared, yet excited.


Both you and Light looked up alarmed at the female voice. At a female voice that didn't belong to you.

Your eyes travelled from pop sensation Misa Misa and then to L who was standing next to her.
What are they doing here?

He's not Kira. Yandere! L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now