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L lay down on the bed next to you as you gave him your back.
He ran his fingers through your hair, but you refused to face him. You hated him.

He began to kiss your neck but abruptly came to a stop.


Harmonizing sounds of bells coming from your phone indicated that you received a text message.

L picked up your phone that he had forcefully taken from you since the wammy students and Misa left.

The message contact read that the message was from Light-kun. However, it had been days since Light was pronounced dead and his body was identified by his family members. He remembered attending the funeral. And he remembered how much joy it caused him to see Kira finally dead. Especially because L suspected that you had feelings for Light and chose Light before he was tragically killed.
So L knew the message wasn't from Light. The message was from someone else who had taken Light's phone and was trying to contact you.

"Y/N. Are you going to ignore me?" L asked secretly hoping you'll turn to look at him. You didn't say anything. Didn't even flinch.

L sighed. You were giving him the silent treatment again. He hated that.

"I guess I'll have to ask Watari to come and sedate you," L said.

"No! No please!!!" He finally got a reaction from you. You even turned to look at him.
L hated when you ignored him and you hated when he injected you to sedate you.

"You know there are consequences for your actions. You give me the silent treatment and I will punish you by injecting you with a tranquilizer," L spoke while signaling Watari through the camera to go to your room and inject you.
Once Watari arrived into the room L left the room without looking back at you. Completely ignoring your cries and begs.

"Good afternoon...." Mello walked into L's office and L closely observed how Mello couldn't help but turn to look at the monitor of your room. Turn to look at the monitor that showed Watari injecting you and you screaming for your life.

"Was there anything you needed, Mello?" L asked quickly turning off the monitor. L was a jealous man and didn't want anybody to see you. Not even through a camera. Not even his most trusted successor which would be Mello.

Mello quickly turned to look at L. His blue eyes showing embarrassment for being caught looking at you.
"Oh yeah," Mello forced himself to talk. Forcing his voice to sound relax. "I'm here to turn in the report on the murder case you assigned me last week."

"Thank you," L said taking the paper Mello brought him. He had to admit that Mello was an excellent student. Very competitive and driven by his ambitions.

"If you keep it up you will definitely become a great successor," Watari spoke coming into the room.

"How's Matt and Misa? Have you two found any clues that indicate that Misa was Light's accomplice?" L curiously asked.

"No. She's too dumb," Mello lied. Both him and Matt knew she was the second Kira, even though she had no memory of it, but that didn't matter anymore. Mello had to lie for her now that she was dating Matt.

"Well that's a shame," L saw right through Mello's lied. A shame that Mello was a liar. If Mello weren't a liar, no. Let's rephrase that.
If Mello didn't lie to L, L would name Mello his successor on the spot.

"Um yeah..." Mello began to feel uncomfortable with the older's detective piercing stare. "Can I use your restroom? I really need to go."

L nodded.

Mello rushed to the room you were kept in. He only had a minimum amount of time before he got caught.

"Silence!" He tried to shake you awake but you were sedated out of your mind.

"Mello?" You managed to say but your mouth would  fail you. You weren't sure if you actually said it or just thought it.
You weren't sure if this was real.

"Shut up and sign this," Mello took out a document and a pen from under his shirt.

He watched as you tried to reach the pen to sign the document but you were taking too long.

"Hurry up!" Mello forced your numb hand to grip the pen and put the paper right in front of you. His eyes traveled to the camera. It wasn't blinking that faint red light. That means it's not recording, right??

"Like this?" Mello heard your pathetic attempt for speaking.

Mello wondered why L felt the need to sedate you so heavily as he analyzed the attempt of signature you provided on the documents. His stomach turned as he realized why L sedated you.

"This is fine, S." Mello felt horrible for what you were going through. "Try to snap out of it. I'll be back in a few." Mello promised you as he hid the documents under his shirt and ran before he got caught being inside the room you were in.

He's not Kira. Yandere! L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now