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You stood in the alleyway in silence and watched as L got inside the limousine and the vehicle sped off.

He didn't even look back at you. He said he would give you 15 minutes to arrive home. What did he even mean by that? You had no home! Did he mean the apartment?! And to make things worse he expected you to walk there. He didn't even offer you a ride or anything. You didn't expect your first kiss to be like this!

"Silence!" As soon as the limo was out of sight Matt and Mello ran to you.

"Guys," you started to cry again. "You're too late..."

"What? What do you mean? What happened??" Mello asked you.

You shook your head no not wanting to talk about it. Your eyes looking at the floor.

"Silence, it's okay," Matt pulled you into a hug as you cried in his shoulder. "It's okay. We were looking for you. A guy with brown hair is looking for you too. He looked really worried. Even Misa Misa is looking for you," Matt rubbed your back trying to calm you down.

You were then aggressively yanked from Matt's comforting arms by Mello. He held your arm tight and lifted your face by your jaw. Forcing you to look at him. Using unnecessary force to get what he wanted. Just like L did.

"Who hit you?" Mello's tone sent goosebumps down your spine.

You shook your head no again. Not wanting to talk about it. Trying to get away from Mello's grip. But he was stronger than you. Maybe that's why he was using unnecessary force. So you wouldn't get away.

"Who hit you, S??!!" Mello's voice was now louder. Making you scared.

"Jesus Christ-" Matt got closer to you. His hand lightly touching the side of your face L slapped. You flinched away from the pain his soft touch caused you. "Who hit you, Silence? You have a bruise," Matt's green eyes showed a mixture of concern and anger.

"It was L!" You finally confessed.

"L?" Matt asked, and Mello let go of your arm and face looking confused.

"Yes. The weird guy you saw, Matty. The one that dragged me away, that's L," you said.

"That guy is L?!" Matt looked shocked remembering the weirdo who dragged you away.

"How do you know that's L? How do you know that's not some weirdo who is pretending to be L?" Mello asked looking skeptical.

"It is L, Mello! He was at Wammy's. Mr. Roger was the one who forced me to help him with the case. And...." you paused trying to catch your breath. "He knows our names. Our real names."

"No way-" Mello began.

"Yes way. He said your names are Mail and Mihael. He knows my last name too. And that is only information between Roger and my file," you interrupted him.

"Fuck!" Mello exclaimed angry making you cry more. You were just as frustrated and angry as him.

"What should we do?" Matt asked. His green eyes traveling from you to Mello. As if the answer to our problems would be on our faces.

"Nothing. I need you guys to stay away from me! For your own good. He threatened to ruin all of us if I don't do what he wants!" You cried.

"Silence!" Mello tried to reach for your wrist but you were too fast for him. Moving away from his reach.

"I want you guys to forget about me. Don't even tell Light about this. If you do I swear I'm going to kill myself," you cleaned your tears. "He would ruin me. Kill me. All of us. He is L. He  can get away with anything."

"S. Please stay a little longer. We can work together and find a solution," Matt tried to calm you down, but you weren't listening. Time was ticking and you were nowhere near home.

"No. Just live your life and forget about me. Forget I ever existed," you cried and began to run away. Run towards home.

You heard footsteps running behind you. Mello and Matt running after you. Calling you and trying to get you to stop, but you were too fast for them. Your adrenaline was pumping. You needed to get "home" before time was up. Before L ruined you.

He's not Kira. Yandere! L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now