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Both you and Light looked up alarmed at the foreign female voice. At a female voice that didn't belong to you.

Your eyes travelled from pop sensation Misa Misa and then to L who was standing next to her.
What are they doing here?

"Light-kun! What are you doing here, my love?" Misa asked looking confused. Her eyes traveling to you. And then she recognized you.
"Nice outfit", she told you. However, there was a threatening vibe surrounding her and her compliment.

"Thank you." You forced a smile. Of course it was a good outfit. Misa Misa had helped you choose it after all.

You turned to look at Light confused. Why was Misa Misa calling Light 'love'.

"Oh hello Light-kun. Y/N. What a coincidence to find both of you here," L's voice sounded calm, yet it made you freak out. This couldn't be a coincidence. He must have followed you but how?

"Yes. I was just showing Y/N around town," Light finally spoke. He sounded stressed.

"Oh. You see Misa, Y/N is my niece who is visiting town," L told Misa.

You cringed at his words. L wasn't your uncle. He was some smart weirdo your school brainwashed you to admire.

"Awwww!! My boyfriend is the nicest!" Misa exclaimed as she sat really close to Light in the booth.

You turned to look at Light. Heartbroken written all over your face. Light-kun had a girlfriend? Why didn't he tell you.
So Light-kun was the perfect boyfriend Misa Misa would always tell you about? You could tell why she loved him so much now. Light was so charming.

You sat there uncomfortable as L and Misa joined you and Light on the booth.
They were eating, but you couldn't eat. You could tell Light felt as uncomfortable and stressed as you.

Light's eyes kept looking for yours but your eyes were glued to the plate of food in front of you. To make matters worse. Light wasn't the only one looking at you.

The weirdo detective was full on staring at you. You could see out of the corner of your eye L sitting down in front of you and eating his food while STARING you down. It freaked you out.

"I'll be back," you mumbled getting up. Sitting on Light's lap on your way out of the booth. You didn't dare to look at L though. You had enough with Misa's glare.

You walked to the restroom and bumped into someone on your way out.


You stared at the redhead in front of you in disbelief. "Matty, what are you doing here?" You asked confused. He should be in school.

"L told Roger that Mello and I were trying to track him down. Roger kicked us out of Wammy's as a consequence." Matt explained. "Now I work here as a waiter in order to earn money."

"What? Why would L do that?" You whispered. You glanced at the booth and saw that neither L, Light or Misa were looking your way. Plus the booth was far so it wasn't like they could hear you.

"Mello is here too. You should see him in a hair net. He is the cook," Matt said smiling.

"Oh my god that's so funny," you said. You hugged him feeling so happy to see him again. You two never talked much at Wammy's but you were happy to see him.

"What was that for? Don't tell me you have a crush on me," Matt smirked.

"Shut up, red," you mumbled playfully pulling his bright red hair.

"What are you doing here?," he asked you.

"I'm here with an older guy and with Misa Misa-"

"Wait, Misa Misa is here?" Matt asked looking around excitedly. You never imagined that he would be such a fanboy.

"Yes, but wait until I tell you the best part. L himself is here too," now you began to whisper.

"L?" Matt looked at you confused. "He's here?"

"Yes," You nodded. "L is sitting over-" before you could finish your sentence , you felt someone grabbing your arm really tight and pulling you away from Matt.

"Ryuzaki! What the hell?!!" You gasped as he dragged you out of the cafe.

He didn't answer you, and continued walking. Dragging you along by your wrists.
And the worse part was that nobody was helping. They would see a weirdo dragging you by your wrist and you looking all scared yet everyone looked the other way and moved out of the way to make room for L and you.

L pulled you inside a lonely alleyway and slammed you against the wall.

"Ouch! Ryuzaki What the-"

L interrupted you mid sentence by kissing you aggressively.

You stood there frozen in place as he held your face in place and kissed you hungrily like if his life depended on it.

He finally pulled away from the kiss to breathe.

You slapped him across the face. Hard. So hard that his head turned the other way and your hand started to hurt.

Your mind was racing. You weren't sure what was going on or why he kissed you. Before you could transform your thoughts into words, L slapped you back.

He slapped you back so hard that you literally fell to the floor. The side of the face he slapped you hurting so much.

He grabbed a fistful of your locks and pulled your hair, forcing you to your feet.

"I hope this serves as a demonstration that you belong to me Y/N," L's voice sounded calm but with a threatening undertone.

You avoided eye contact. Your eyes were blurred by the hair on your face from him slapping you and pulling your hair, and the tears escaping your eyes.

"If you choose to refuse me, I will do everything in my power to convince everyone that you are Kira number two. I will ruin your life, and the life of both Mail and Mihael," L threatened. His lips pressed against your ear.

"Mail and Mihael?" You asked confused. "Who's that?"

"Matt and Mello. I know everything about all my successors, Y/N, L/N (your name, last name)."

You froze on your tracks. How did he know your last name? That was confidential.

"Do I make myself clear?" L asked.

You kept staring at the floor crying. What the heck did you get yourself into?

"I asked you something Y/N."

"Y-You w-wouldn't." You were a stuttering mess. Shaking from fear and confusion.

"Oh I wouldn't? Is that so? Tell me, Y/N. Who would people believe? The world's greatest detective, or one of his successors who isn't even competent?" L smirked.

"I know more than you think!" You raised your voice at him. Feeling angry. You were everything but stupid.

"Maybe Y/N. But that's not what your grades at Wammy's Orphanage and School for the Gifted say."

"I hate you!" You yelled at him. You hated L so much.

"Tell me Y/N. You ran away from Wammy's because your grades weren't high enough meaning you could never be my successor. Then you met Kira and became his accomplice. Killing people. Are my deductions correct ?" L asked.

"You're lying! Why would you lie?!" You were full on screaming right now. Yet his expression remained calm. A hint of satisfaction in his eyes at how he could get a reaction out of you. He just wished that reaction could be a real smile someday.

"Am I, Y/N? Nobody would believe you. So what is your answer? Me or do I have to ruin your life?"

You looked at the ground trying to think.

"I asked you something." He grabbed your jaw forcing you to look at him.

"You." You mumbled and he smiled.

"Good girl," he whispered kissing you again. His kiss becoming more passionate by the second and his hand traveling to your waist.

You pushed him away. Rejecting his physical contact. You didn't want to kiss him anymore.

"You can walk home." He stated. "If you're not there in 15 minutes, I'll have the police after you."

He's not Kira. Yandere! L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now