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Evening embraced the day and L sat on the couch waiting. Waiting for you to arrive.

He had everything planned out already. And everything was going according to plan.

First, L sent you back to Wammy's so that you could be under the care of Roger. L also let Roger know that he wasn't interested in working with you now or in the future due to your unprofessional behavior.

Second, L arrested Light Yagami and had him locked inside a room "monitoring" him. Making sure he wasn't Kira. But arresting Light was only an excuse to get him out of the picture, at least for a few days. So your attention could be completely on L.

Third, L got Light's phone and began sending you text messages with it. Pretending to be Light. In the last message he sent you, he asked you to meet him in an abandoned house. In this room you would find a letter L carefully wrote, claiming to be Light and confessing to you that he was in fact Kira, and would be running away.

Fourth, you would be arrested.

L's attention turned to one of the monitors in front of him. You were being forced inside an interrogation room.

"I'm not Kira!" L could hear you scream at the top of your lungs.
"I want my phone call! I want to call Mr. Roger so he can know that I'm here! This is a misunderstanding!"

"Roger knowing that you're here with me would only ruin my plan," L whispered to himself. Only daring to say his twisted thoughts out loud knowing that nobody could hear him. Knowing that you were nowhere near him to hear him.

L took his time walking towards the room you were locked in. His bare feet against the cold wooden floor and the feeling of butterflies flying around in his stomach. What was this feeling he felt?

He finally reached your door. He slowly opened the door and his eyes met with yours.

You looked so different. Your eyes were bright red due to the crying. He never imagined he would have seen you in this emotional state. Yet there you were. Locked up in an interrogation room like a criminal. Crying over a man that wasn't L.

"L, please tell the police that this was a misunderstanding! That I'm not Kira!" You begged him. You would go as far as getting on your knees in front of him. For him to free you from this awful room full of cameras. You were many things but not a murderer.
In fact, you were just chilling. You just wanted to meet with your Prince Charming, but when you arrived to that address you found Light's confession written on a note. A note for you. And just as you finished reading his confession, the police arrived and arrested you because they believed you were his accomplice.

They arrested you just like in the movies and nobody would let you talk. And if you did talk, they would walk away from you. Wouldn't even let you make your call so that Mr. Roger could know that where you were, and get you out of this mess.
This mess that L created because if it weren't for L wanting you to participate in the Kira investigation, you would have never met Light and you would have been back at Wammy's just chilling.

L tried to hide the smirk forming on his lips. It amused him that you didn't know that he was the one in charge of everyone and everything in here. If only you knew that in a single command he created this whole scenario just to have a normal conversation with you.

Sure, L could have just visited you at Wammy's again, but he was too proud. Plus, the problem went beyond pride. The problem was that you wanted Light Yagami, and L could never be like Light.
L was better than Light, and L would do everything in his power to let you know this.

"I didn't expect to see you here," L lied. He was a liar because his profession required it. But in reality, L had been waiting all day for this moment.

"I don't know what happened. The police came and arrested me," you cleaned your tears as new ones replaced them. L just stared at you for a moment not saying anything. This would normally freak you out, but not at this moment. In this moment you were glad to have a familiar face with you. You were glad L was listening to you and not walking away from you or ignoring you like those other cops.

"I was told that you were found in the scene of the crime." L sat down in front of you bringing his knees up to his chest. He noticed that this time you didn't judge him with your eyes due to his appearance or the way he sat.
In fact, you genuinely seemed happy to see him.

"Yes L. I received a message from Light-kun to meet up with him. And when I arrived at the address, the room was empty and the police arrived," you explained leaving out the letter. You still couldn't believe that Light-kun, your Prince Charming, your only true friend, was in fact Kira. He couldn't be.

"I see," L mumbled. He couldn't believe you didn't mentioned the letter "Light" wrote for you. Once again, you failed the honesty test. You were still protecting Light, and L couldn't understand why.
"Do you mind if I go through this?" L asked taking out the iPhone the police confiscated from you.

"Go for it." You liked your privacy but at this moment you didn't care. You wanted to leave this place and go back to Wammy's. You weren't a criminal.

L watched you input your password and hand him back the iPhone.
L carefully went through the phone. Your only conversation was with Light-Kun and in your gallery there were selfies of you and Light.

"I never knew you and Light were so close." L admitted. Your relationship with Light was closer than what he imagined. And both you and Light seemed genuinely happy in these selfies.
Light doesn't even seem that happy when he is with Amane, who is his girlfriend, L thought.

"L please. I am not a criminal," you insisted as you reached for his hand.

L quickly looked at you. The touch of your hand on his was so foreign to him. You two had never touched before, and his plan was working faster than what he expected.

"Can you call Mr. Roger and let him know that I am here. Please, I am not a criminal. I am backup to you and your successors."

L never imagined that a phrase could caused him so much satisfaction. When you two first met, he could have sworn that you didn't care about working with him and becoming the next L. And now you were here begging him to help you. Reminding him that you could become his successor, or backup for his successor.

He's not Kira. Yandere! L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now